Dolly Dagger // Nightmare // EP Review


Australian-born, L.A. Artist Dolly Dagger drops her debut EP Nightmare today and it’s a real head-turner.

Named after the iconic Hendrix song, Dolly Dagger is a gnarly musician who has taken the bull by the horns and unleashed a gritty four-track EP that grabs your attention from the off. The tracks have a get-your-hands dirty kinda feel, ethereal and free flowing you get the sense that Dolly poured her heart and soul into her debut EP, digging deep for those personal lyrics and stories that flow across the recording.

The opener ‘Sick’ lands a punch and sets the stall for what is to come, Dolly’s got a vibe going on, attitude seeping from her pores, The title track ‘Nightmare’ carries that theme infusing electronica into the mix, showcasing her ability to flick the switch and keep her audience on their toes.

‘Feels Like Fiction’ kicks off with a banging riff, packed with melodic quality you’ll be dancing around your room in your undies in no time, that dark vibe that runs through the EP is still there pushing and pulling at you, distorted vocals and big anthemic chorus’ allow for an easy on the ear quality alongside it’s darker intent.

The EP’s closer ‘Swerve’ is a slow burner, constantly picking at your brain and teasing you as you wait for the drop to kick in, it doesn’t disappoint!

All in all Dolly Dagger has made one hell of a stab at her debut, it’ll turn heads for sure and resonate, one to watch

Nightmare is out now and available at all purveyors of fine music.




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