Having formed in the late summer of 2004 by Horaz and Vespasian, Imperium Dekadenz wasted no time in unleashing their debut promo in 2005.
Now onto their seventh studio album, the Atmospheric Black Metal band from South-West Germany, bring their ambient ad depressive style to the world in their traditional dramatic ways as they reflect on topics such as death and hate whilst avoiding traditional subject matter such as religion and politics.
So, how does this next instalment measure up? The 8-track album spans over 45 minutes and delves straight back into that shroud of darkness and subjects that most would tend to avoid. Taking the rawness that you would expect from the two-piece band, Imperium Dekadenz waste no time in bridging the gap to the origins of the genre.
The eruption of the wailing guitars and the punishing pummel of the drums is the gateway to the darkest places of your mind as the vocal is mixed in with the music in a very traditional manner that the purists will love and those new to Black Metal will be educated on.
The band show their versatility in expressing darkness on ‘Aurora’ as the piano adds to the layers of depression as the guitars provide some string-based gloominess as the drums keep the pace slower but very purposeful.
The options that the band have open to them with their plethora of instrumental options really stands them apart from most Black Metal offerings that have some distortion, quick drums, cymbal and droning guitar tones. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan of that style of offering, however, something that triggers hidden and unknown emotions is ones that you relate to and this is exactly what Into Sorrow Evermore does.
Taking the bleakest of outlooks and making them a visible reality are things that none of us likes to contemplate, but the way that the album latches onto you has some cathartic properties and you feel almost relieved each time the album closes. In some kind of blackened hypnosis and deep thought-provoking experiment, Imperium Dekadenz has created a depressive offering to rival all others.
This certainly is not for the masses of the more sombre aspects of Black Metal however, if you are a fan of the music , or fancied dipping your toe in then this is the perfect place to turn your attentions.
Into Sorrow Evermore will be released January 20th 2023 via Napalm Records.
Ed Ford
1.Into Sorrow Evermore
2. Truth under Stars
3. Aurora
4. Elysian Fields
5. Forests in Gale
6. Awakened beyond Dreams
7. November Monument
8. Memories … a raging River