Portland’s goth rockers Unto Others are back again with what may be the album of the year, “Never, Neverland”.
Formed in 2017 under the name Idles Hands & rebranded in 2020, the group has brought back the true sound of heavy metal, goth rock & soaring ballads to the next generation.
Thor debut album, 2019’s “Mana”, was a huge breakout for the group, a much-needed sound that hadn’t been thrust into the limelight for some time. Their follow-up & sophomore album, “Strength”, was my album of 2021 & pushed the band further into the ears & minds of the heavy metal scene. A ton of touring with diverse bands like Carcass, Arch Enemy, Behemoth & Eternal Champion. Quickly gaining a new audience & becoming one of the most solid live acts currently.
Now their third album on Century Media, “Never, Neverland”, pushes their sonic beauty & darkness the furthest, which births their best album so far.
The album opener & first single, “Butterfly”, kicks things off to perfection.
Their rich, heavy, distorted, but gorgeously melodic guitars give the song groove & elegance. At the same time, bassist Brandon Hill & drummer Colin Vranizan drive the verse sections, and vocalist Gabriel Franco’s signature vocals lure you in. It’s always great to hear what Gabe has in store, as his voice is so distinctive & glorious. This track has a truly anthemic touch sprinkled through it, and it’s the perfect opening track.
“Momma Likes The Door Closed” might be the best song The Misfits have ever wrote. This furious track is pissing, but it has so many catchy moments you don’t know whether to dance or headbang. A great way to switch things up, Hell, drummer Vranizan chucks in blast beats at the end of the track, that’s something I never thought I would hear on a Unto Other, but damn, it fits so perfectly. As the bridge drops out and keeps you on your toes, the band switches it up, getting faster & faster until the wheels are about to come off, but they keep it locked & flawless. A track that has quickly become my favourite of the bands, this is gonna be mayhem live!
A much-needed topic, “Suicide Today” is a great punk rock track highlighting the plight of suicidal thoughts. Gabriel Franco’s lyrical content has always been above everyone else, In conjunction with his style, they give so much weight. Not only is the track thick, punchy & catchy, but it also has such a great message saying, “it’s ok to not be ok”, which adds so much gravity to the track. Superb truly.
“When The Kids Get Caught” feels like the perfect blend of Sisters Of Mercy & The Cure through the Unto Others filter. A nice solid mid-tempo track gives you the perfect Halloween track is this spooky yet hard hitter.
That guitarist Sebastian Silva is a shining beacon on the album & is one of the reasons why the group is so great. His lead work & diverse playing style when it comes to tones & artistic flare is yet again phenomenal on this album.
Slowing down things nicely, “Cold World” brings that ballad edge that Unto Others does, unlike any other band. With reverb-soaked clean guitar, a big drum sound & an infectious chorus vocal melody, this track has it all.
As we reach the end closer & title track, “Never, Neverland,” is a perfect way to end the album. Driven by the beautiful tones of Gabe, this track is a lush landscape of melody & overdriven guitars that leave you feeling wholesome & fulfilled in its final few moments.
After the impact of “Strength”, I had my doubts that Unto Others could create an album that would surpass its epic nature. But I’m so happy to say they have not only been able to create an album that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the rest of their discography, but they have been able to even further craft their sound, giving us a more diverse yet well-rounded album full of moments that will surprise & delight anyone who listens to this album.
“Never, Neverland” is truly a new benchmark for heavy metal & I feel sorry for anyone who releases an album in 2024 because this album is a true contender for album of the year.
Review: Joseph Mitchell
Never, Neverland is out via Century Media on 20th September 2024
Gabriel Franco – Vocals, Guitars
Sebastian Silva – Guitars
Brandon Hill – Bass
Colin Vranizan – Drums