Sulfuric Hatred // Sulfuric Hatred // Album Review


Something dark is brewing on the east coast.

New York / Maryland war noise terrorists Sulfuric Hatred are finally unleashing their debut album onto the world.

They were formed in 2022 by vocalist Alexander Jones (Undeath) and guitarist/Bassist Liam McMahon (Vile Ritual). And with the recent addition of Sam Shereck of (Stabbed & Exsanguinated), the band released their “Demo MMXXII” to much buzz within the underground death metal scene. With their chaotic style of merging war metal, grind & black metal to create an attack on the senses.

Their first full-length & self-titled album is a nearly thirty-five-minute sonic assault. Featuring some of the most barbaric sounds of 2023.

The opening track “Merciless Subjugation (Upon Our Knives)” goes right for the jugular. A piercing blow of blasting drums & frantic guitars creates a wall of noise. But unlike some chaotic death metal, the riffs Liam McMahon creates from the outset are clear & audible. Catchy & a driving force the guitars drag you along for the ride.

Alexander Jones’s vocals are nice and loose here. Able to experiment & give us all types of tones. From some of the most cave-dwelling gutturals to ear-drilling like high black metal style screams. A real tapestry of vocal sounds he can create.

Picking up the pace “Stacked Remains in the Charnel Pits” brings a nice groove element to the album. Still filled with great noise-soaked blasting sections but the verses have a great headbanging riff that catches your ear nicely. As the track peaks in its last few moments, the blasting becomes unhinged. The addition of Sam Shereck has helped the band have a more organic sound.

The group’s demo was a fantastic showcase of the sound the band were creating, Liam McMahon, helming all the instruments held them back just slightly. But the talent that Shereck is now adding to this trio from hell helps round out the album. Giving it a lot more texture & power.

At the midway point of the album “Transmission I” is like a lucid nightmare. An industrial / noise experimental track that breaks up the relenting blasting nicely. Setting the atmosphere nicely & giving the listener that brief respite before the band continue their reign of terror.

Starting with a huge riff section “Sanctioned Execution of Profaned Torture” has one big old set of balls. Heavy as hell intro before the band cranks up the pressure & continues the pain. Also giving moments of breaks when helping craft this push & pull on the track. Building up the tension nicely. A lead guitar section plays over the bridge section of the track which soars over the buzzing sound the band is creating which gives it a great dynamic.

As the album builds “Prostrated Human Race” is the most ferocious track on the album. The opening with long open guitar strums, then a mesmerising riff pattern begins like a horrific lullaby soothing but also dangerous. It might not be all out blasting through but the track’s peaks & valleys help build it to create the most stand-out track on the album. They are giving the album a great way to close out its final few moments.

Sulfuric Hatred has created something fantastic. It may be a hellish landscape of noise & punishment but the band have been able to craft a fresh & exciting sound. Merging & blending a great spectrum of textures, and emotions & pushing the boundaries of extreme music. A superb album & one of the most surprising albums of 2023.

Joseph Mitchell

Sulfuric Hatred is out via  Sentient Ruin Laboratories on December 15th