Shodan // None Shall Prevail // Album Review


10 years have passed since this three-piece outfit set out on their Death Metal path and 3 years later, the Polish Death Metallers debut album was unleashed on the world.

Fast forward to 2023 and has just signed a record deal with Time To Kill Records, Shodan is ready to release the follow-up to Death, Rule Over Us and I hope you’re ready for this!

There’s something incredible about Polish Death metal, especially when it’s done well and not watered down.

For me it has its own sound and feel, a lot of double kick drum and a heavy bass presence sets it aside and then merged with a growling vocal, there I’d something very special about it.

We have been graced with a number of top-class bands, some have stuck to this sound, and others have evolved into something a bit different.

So where do Shodan fit into this? Very simply this is the perfect example of Polish Death Metal done to the highest standards.

The rumble of the drums brings that fear you felt when watching Jurassic Park for the first time and seeing the water jump as the T-Rex approached.

Mixed in with damaging guitars and a vocal to sand rough edges with. This really is a blistering album that will take the enamel off your teeth.

From start to finish you are on the eye of your seat wondering what is happening and then the anticipation of what is to come.

With an occasional sound of a Black Metal influence, there is a genuine edge to what is about to blow your head off. The raw sound and subtle melodies bring that special something and whilst sounding like classic Polish Death Metal also sets them apart from the rest as they steer clear from that perfect finish and opt for the rougher approach.

I would usually highlight some stand-out tracks, but I can’t figure out which to mention as all of them are exactly what every Death Metal fan needs to hear and I can’t stop listening to the album, which for me isn’t always the way.

Sadly, this album may not reach as far and wide as it deserves to, however even if it remains in the underground, this is a runner for Death Metal Album of the Year for me. It is simply brilliant.

Ed Ford


None Shall Prevail will be released Friday 5th May 2023 via Time to Kill Records.




  1. Tamed in unison
    2. Despair Snares
    3. Demortality
    4. Ethos
    5. Staring Back at The Abyss
    6. Lords
    7. Nicość Wiekuista
    8. Nighttime Violators
    9. None Shall Prevail
