Cindy Louise // What You Made Me // EP Review


South African songstress Cindy Louise returns with her latest EP ‘What You Made Me’ on Friday, February 2nd. We caught up with Cindy last year and talked about her journey from S.A. to Europe chasing her dream and making a life for herself in the Netherlands and the drive required to make that happen.

Cindy is dropping a 3 track EP showcasing the progression in her musical journey, the maturity that comes with the life-changing move and the courage involved in making such a bold choice. From studying a strict classical regime to classical and Jazz vocals she has a unique take on her approach to songwriting and you’ll see similarities with some of the big hitters in the world of alt-rock like Amy Lee of Evanescence or Sharon Den Adel of Within Temptation.

Her powerful delivery and classical training make for the perfect blend of melodic vocals crashing against the angsty juxtaposition of the wall of distortion from the backline, it creates a violent clash that keeps you intrigued as a listener constantly wondering where the songs will go next.  As Cindy comments about the making of the EP “The EP was an immensely enjoyable venture. Although each song was written individually, I was determined to publish them collectively as they interconnected narratively. These compositions expose my vulnerabilities, reflecting my struggle with anxiety, my habitual insistence on my well-being, and my continuous battle with self-imposed societal expectations. The emotional strength of these songs often moves me to tears, delving profoundly into my soul. The intricate layering of the instrumental accompaniment and vocal lines contributes significantly to the overall sound. The complexity of the sound is intentional, aiming for a theatrical rock aesthetic. This decision was not made to add unnecessary drama but to truly encapsulate and communicate my emotional state to the listener. Upon completing ‘Innocence,’ I was invigorated with a desire to further my creative endeavours. This was coupled with the conception of an interconnected concept in my mind. Simultaneously, I felt a sense of cohesion in my artistic style. I had finally discovered the unique sound that resonated with my identity. I hope these songs provide enjoyment and an opportunity for self-reflection. May this music serve as a catalyst for you to connect with your emotions and simply allow yourself to feel.”

Cindy has poured her heart and soul into the making of ‘What You Made Me’, allowing the 3 tracks to speak for themselves, each a journey through the consequences of modern life and how we navigate it internally and externally. In a world that is completely fubar at the moment, the daily struggle is real.

The 3 tracks even though written individually, work well together showcasing Cindy’s growth from track to track, you can feel the angst being released like an audible therapy session being unleashed.

Well worth your time, ‘What You Made Me’ arrives Friday, February 2nd via all purveyors of fine music.

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Track Listing

(Total Run Time 09:52)

1. Innocence (03:49) ISRC usl4r2389956 (Clean Lyrics)

2. What You Made Me (03:00) ISRC usl4r2389957 (Clean Lyrics)

3. Nothing Hurts Anymore (03:03) ISRC usl4r2389958 (Explicit Lyrics)

Cindy-Louise - What You Made Me (EP)


Author: Cindy-Louise

Composer: Cindy-Louise

Performers: Cindy-Louise

Vocals: Cindy-Louise

Guitars: Erick Gerber

Additional Instrumentation: Calibeats (Callum Melville)

Label: Independent

Publisher: Independent

Producers: Cindy-Louise & Calibeats (Callum Melville)

Mixed by: Calibeats (Callum Melville)

Mastered by: Calibeats (Callum Melville)

Sound Engineer: Martijn de Groot

Artwork & BTS Photos: Shaun Leighton

Promo Photos By Jimmy On The Run & Shaun Leighton

Innocence Music Video: Stefan Sparky Smuts Media






