Voluntary Mortification // Suffer to Rise // Album Review


Writing an album review when it is the hottest day on record in the UK, reaching over 40 degrees, the only thing that is hotter and more oppressive than this weather is the upcoming release by Voluntary Mortification.

Hailing from Lansing, Michigan, the five-piece Deathcore band has set their sights on being “a light in the darkness for those who are broken and hurting” and their debut album is here to show you the way. There is no way that you will not be able to follow the light as the sound that takes your ears off, leaves a trail of devastation for you to track.

Comprising of 11 tracks of Brutal Slamming Deathcore, please strap yourself and take some pre-emptive painkillers as this one packs one hell of punch to the throat. After the intro has faded, the punishment begins with vicious highs and brutal lows that are matched by crushing breakdowns, blast beats and searing guitars. The result is stunning yet deadly.

This approach remains throughout the tracks and is certainly something that will cause the less hardly listener to sit in a corner rocking, wondering how they can unhear this monstrosity. The rest of us however wait for the next track to see just how damaging this sound can get and the answer is you will struggle to find anything that is more brutal than this.

From start to finish, Suffer to Rise pushes every boundary, from the rapid-fire crippling aspects to the breakdowns that just make you slow down and look t see if anything is in arms distance that is fragile because these are aggressive.

There are certain Classic Death Metal aspects that you can hear through the destructive chaos but the overriding aspects are those of Slam and Deathcore. If you aren’t a fan of genres, just call it heavy as fuck.

This debut is up there with the best you will hear and also makes you wonder where the band goes from here. The quality is as impressive as the brutality and the album works perfectly from start to stop.

I cannot recommend Suffer to Rise enough to fans of things heavy and I would suggest that Voluntary Mortification is a band name that you will hear again and again when this album hits.

Ed Ford


Suffer to Rise will be released on July 22nd 2022 via Rottweiler Records.




1 – Wages Of Sin

2 – Death Tremors

3 – Vindicator

4 – Valley Of Slaughter

5 – Silence

6 – Demoncratic Society

7 – The Cull

8 – Abomination

9 – Suffer To Rise

10 – Into Your Hands

11 – Crush The Serpent’s Head




