Sun Messiah // Sun Messiah (Self-Titled) // EP Review


Sun Messiah recently dropped their self-titled EP, The band is relatively fresh-faced as a four-piece but has years of experience between them grafting and honing their craft over the years. All of this collided when the four riff-thirsty lads Dan Lloyd on vocals and guitar, Sam Watling on vocals and guitar, Kieron Sullivan on drums and Ross Harris on Bass decided they must get together in a room and make beautiful music together.

What came out of that meeting of great minds was a three-track self-titled EP that showcases the vast musical vocabulary Sun Messiah has at its disposal. A gnarly, Stoner, Fuzz-laden vibe that will shake any live venue to its core.

The EP’s opener ‘Alone We Wander’ is the perfect example of the heft these guys can bring at will, the track opens with a spanking bass line that is intriguing before the riffage commences, and a thick weighty sound captures the imagination before it takes a further twist and turns to keep you fully on your toes. The pulsating rhythm biting at you throughout, with the drone-like vocal melody behind it makes for a dark engaging feel, all the while that intriguing guitar pattern slamming away at your chest. A tasty start to the EP and one that piques your interest right away.

‘Search For Brighter Skies’ is up next and right away hits you right between the eyes with its banging pace, You can just imagine this translating to the live stage, the air moving in the room from the heavy guitar work and pummelling back line. The track has a familiar feel to the opener with Sun Messiah’s signature duelling vocals, adding further weight and drama to the overall vibe of the song. The guys have their sound honed in, which is important in establishing yourself in a saturated market, Know your audience and find that niche you want to fit into and Sun Messiah certainly have done that. Tidy guitar work with intricate changes in direction adds depth and dimension to the songwriting and allows for air between the weighty sections, a highly engaging track for sure.

The EP wraps up with ‘Bring The End’ Ft Ollie Ross, Kicking off with a solo guitar before the savagery kicks in, The fuzz-drenched line pulsates throughout, biting at your brain with an earworm-like quality. The track takes you on a rollercoaster from start to finish and further drives home the expansive tools at Sun Messiah’s disposal, tossing out brutal time changes at will and intriguing melodic lines from out of nowhere, these guys know how to grab your attention. It may only be 3 tracks long but it packs a punch.

Sun Messiah have done their homework and have forged a sound that is gaining wide appeal, We see an army of bands growing from strength to strength at festivals up and down across the UK, We seem to be Stoner-obsessed, Doom-obsessed and fuzz-obsessed here in the UK and well, that ain’t a bad thing.

Sun Messiah has produced a tasty teaser of an ep, well worth your hard-earned money kids, show them some love.

Margate’s got it good, Margate’s got it real good!


Listen to Sun Messiah here:
