ROSA FAENSKAP – Norwegian Post Black-Metal Trio Share New Track “Reform”

Rosa Faenskap – Norwegian Post Black-Metal Trio Share New Track “Reform” Via Heavy Blog Is Heavy

Oslo-based post black-metal trio ROSA FAENSKAP today reveal a new song off their first studio album “Jeg blir til deg”, which is out tomorrow, November 3rd via Fysisk Format (Årabrot, Blood Command, The Good the Bad and the Zugly, Okkultokrati, etc…)

Titled “Reform” this new track is now playing at Heavy Blog Is Heavy, who had this to say about the song “From the very first note of “Reform” the track veritably explodes, sending shards of thick bass, roiling vocals, and aggression laden guitars flying everywhere. Throughout the track a haunting guitar lead lends a post-metal tinge to everything while the drums back up the rest of the instrumentation in their expressive fury. The end result is a track that goes hard but also has layers and depth to it, creating ambience and atmosphere while scorching everything in its path.”

Listen to “Reform here.

Pre-orders are now available at this location.

With their background in autonomous culture house Blitz, which in the 80’s fostered bands like So Much Hate and Kafka Process, ROSA FAENSKAP has taken the fight against prejudice and repression into a new millennium, expanding on the political hardcore foundation with elements of black metal, post-rock, prog and shoegaze.  They mix the ugliest and the prettiest music has to offer, in a cauldron tasting both sweet and horrifying. ROSA FAENSKAP shall strive, to the best of their ability, to drive black metal purists insane.

ROSA FAENSKAP originated on a drunken night of mayhem in 2021 when guitarist Emil and bassist Håvard found drummer Anders in a garbage can, knocked out drunk but perfectly balancing a hot dog in each hand. “Right there we knew we’d found the perfect guy to handle the sticks” says Emil and  Håvard.

Håvard Solli: Bass/Vocals
Emil Vestre: Guitar/Backing Vocals
Anders Jansvik: Drums


Fysisk Format