Barren Womb – Norwegian Noise Rockers Share Entire New Album “Chemical Tardigrade”

Barren Womb – Norwegian Noise Rockers Share Entire New Album “Chemical Tardigrade”

Norwegian noise rock innovators Barren Womb today share their entire fifth full-length album titled “Chemical Tardigrade”, a few days ahead of the release date set for this Friday, February 16th through Fucking North Pole Records/Blues For The Red Sun.

The full album is now playing at Everything Is Noise, who had this to say about the new album “Chemical Tardigrade spans eleven tracks, is simultaneously minimalistic but massive, rejoices in the band’s signature dual vocals, and altogether is just seamlessly ebbing and flowing yet mightily punishing, excellent grit.”

Listen to “Chemical Tardigrade” in its entirety here.

“While making music has always been extremely enjoyable, it has rarely been as much fun as with “Chemical Tardigrade”. Says the band about this new album. It was a truly effortless and collaborative experience, where at times the songs almost felt like they were writing themselves. Also, getting to record and hang out with the incredibly talented Eirik Øien again was a hoot and a half. Lyrically, we touch on all the usual suspects, multiplied by the sheer terror of being alive in 2024: inequality, alienation, general darkness, war, drugs (both store-bought and homemade), escapism, sarcasm, and tons of other feel-good stuff. To say that we are proud of this one would be the understatement of the year.”

The video for the album album’s leading single “Squat Walker” is still playing here:

Recorded and mixed by Eirik Øien at Fjøset Lystudio, produced by Eirik Øien and Barren Womb, mastered by Alan Douches at West West Music, and featuring illustrations and design by Tony Gonzalez, “Chemical Tardigrade” is due out next year in mid-February and pre-orders will launched soon.  

Since their inception in late 2011, the Nordic duo comprised of guitarist/vocalist Tony Gonzalez and drummer/ vocalist Timo Silvola, have been raising both eyebrows and hell with their minimalist approach, earsplitting volume and defiant experimentation. The duo make efficient use of crude dynamics and the power of the riff to hammer their point across.

Barren Womb released their fourth album “Lizard Lounge”, a bombastic slab of modern noise rock in the vein of Daughters, Metz and Viagra Boys, to critical acclaim through Loyal Blood Records in 2020. They have played close to 300 shows in the US and Europe so far, sharing stages with among others Entombed A.D., Voivod, Conan, Nomeansno and Årabrot, and have played festivals like SXSW, by:Larm, Tallinn Music Week, Øya and Pstereo.