The Dark (feat Alan Ashby of Of Mice and Men) release new single ‘Circles’

The Dark (feat Alan Ashby of Of Mice and Men) release new single ‘Circles’
The Dark have dropped ‘Circles’, a dynamic fusion of metal and disco that explores duality through tension, acceptance, and big questions. Packed with disco beats, heavy riffs, and acid bass, the track pushes boundaries both sonically and visually, featuring gritty, distorted aesthetics. ‘Circles’ is a bold statement from a band redefining the limits of their sound.

Watch the video here:

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The band comment: “The whole song is about duality. It’s the heat of the moment, and it’s the big picture. It’s the sexual tension, and it’s acceptance. It’s asking the big questions and then ignoring them. It’s metal and it’s disco. Even when it came to be time to make the visuals, I said let’s film it on the nicest camera I have and then run it through a cheap old TV and ruin it… that’s perfect.

“‘Circles’ was probably my favorite track on the EP to produce. I got to check all my favorite boxes. The disco influence, the call and response verses, the riffs in the chorus, acid bass everywhere, the freaking innuendos… and then a massive inhale at the end… absolute blast.”

The Dark – Circles