Naga Siren is finally releasing their highly anticipated sophomore album “Sea of Myself” on February 16th 2024!


Seamlessly merging American pop rock influences with their roots in Norwegian hardcore, Naga Siren is finally releasing their highly anticipated sophomore album “Sea of Myself” on February 16th 2024!

On “Sea Of Myself,” we gain insight into the experience of living as a young person in conflict with oneself.
Most of the tracks are written in dialogue form, portraying the life experiences of someone who hasn’t been in a good place emotionally but has finally managed to overcome it, reflecting on their life as an indecisive person who could never get it together.

Listening through the 10-track album, you will quickly understand that Naga Siren has no intention of being associated with one genre only.
The band was always meant as an escape with zero boundaries, and “Sea Of Myself” perfectly captures this with its addictive riffs, raw emotion, heavy-hitting drums and soft-sounding synths.

It feels authentic, sounds massive, and is extremely captivating – much more than one could ask for in 2024!

Naga Siren about Sea of Myself:
“On Sea Of Myself we agreed to make music for us. We’ve always loved to dabble in different genres, while still keeping true to our roots. This time we decided that just having fun while writing is what’s gonna define our sound, not worrying about anyone else’s opinions.
Being open minded has evolved our sound and song-writing capabilities, and that’s helped us take a huge step up with this album, creating bigger and better written songs than ever. 
Hopefully the fans will recognize our efforts on this album, being produced and recorded mainly within the band itself. But as always we also brought in our main-engineer Simon Jackman, to secure a carpet of heavy hitting drums and growling bass. 
In the end we hope the listener will appreciate us trying out new things, and it looks like they already do, judging by the amazing traction the album singles have gained”

FFO: Paramore, Ondt Blod, Sibiir, Four Year Strong

Emil Odd Solbakken – Vocals
Oliver David Kimmel – Guitar
Tarjei Kristoffersen – Guitar
Erik Fossmo – Bass
Steffen Landerud – Drums

Naga Siren excels at blending crushing hardcore with catchy melodies in a pleasant landscape. What began as a side project in 2017 continues to evolve in various directions, resulting in a unique genre fusion that pays homage to the best of the early 2000s with a modern twist.

Over the past year, the band has undergone sonic development, demonstrating a seamless ability to dip their toes into pop, punk, or metalcore without hesitation. This approach has yielded positive results, with all singles released in 2023 gaining significant radio airtime and accumulating nearly 100,000 plays collectively.

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