CH’AHOM German Black/Death Metal Legion Teases Forthcoming Debut Album

CH’AHOM German Black/Death Metal Legion Teases Forthcoming Debut Album With Massive Twelve-Minute, Single-Song Precursor EP – Full Stream Available From CVLT Nation.

We are extremely happy to announce that the new dawn of Ch’ahom is upon us. The German ritualistic black/death metal horde give us a taste of what will materialize on a full scale with their imminent debut album. The single-song “Ts’ono’ot” EP here presented is a colossal twelve minute death-ritual materialized from the same recording sessions of their aforementioned forthcoming debut full-length LP, and is the first real glimpse into the band’s new and future shape to come, crystallized as apocalyptic omen via limited edition cassette presentation.

Leading up to its July 7 2023 official release on cassette tape and digital formats, the single-track twelve minute “Ts’ono’ot” EP has been premiered in full by CVLT Nation, with the illustrious underground music blog explaining that “the raw, lo-fi bestial metal-borderlining-on-noise chaos we’ve seen from the band so far is out the window entirely (or almost), replaced by a massive, thick and crystal clear production putting on full display a band at the top of their game and armed with an insane arsenal of destructiveness and inventive.” – you can read the full feature and check out the full stream HERE.

Indeed, completing the metamorphosis from their VonSadogoatBeherit, and Blasphemy-influenced, noise-bordering raw bestial metal beginnings and groundwork, the behemoth track reveals Ch’ahom transfigured into a shapeshifting new mortal ritual weapon of absolute death. New presages are re-worked into the band’s new multilayered canvas and into a newfound clearer and outward projecting sound, weaponized with a sophistication, complexity and unpredictability sourced from transformative early psych/prog-infused technical death metal bands like Demilich and Time Ghoul. The band’s peculiar and parallel fascination with the golden era of UK 70’s prog and particularly with bands like CamelYes, and Genesis has done the rest, setting the band’s songwriting on a trajectory of inexorable and masterful intricacy, materializing in the end twelve monstrous and bludgeoning minutes of transmuted and kaleidoscopic progressive bestial death metal triumph. Yet, this is nothing but the beginning…

The single-song “Ts’ono’ot” EP is slated for a July 7 2023 release on limited edition cassette tape and digital formats worldwide via Sentient Ruin.