LORD OF THE LOST Singer CHRIS HARMS’ First Solo Album – an 80s Synth-Pop Revival! With LORD OF THE LOST, Chris Harms has recently achieved defining milestones in the band’s history, including participation in the Eurovision Song Contest, touring with Iron Maiden, and securing a #1 and two #2 spots on the Official German Album Charts. But for Harms, taking a break is out of the question. The concept of a solo album has been brewing in his mind for years, and it has now come to fruition with 1980, set for release this January.CHRIS HARMS describes 1980:
“If I were forced to categorize this album and label it, it would probably say ‘a strange but successful mix of Depeche Mode, Modern Talking and Sandra with Chris Harms’ voice, but with less perm and mullet’”. |