boygenius, the acclaimed trio comprised of Julien Baker, Phoebe Bridgers and Lucy Dacus, released their self-produced debut EP boygenius together back in 2018. The release of “$20,” “Emily I’m Sorry,” and “ True Blue” marks the first new music from the band since 2020, when they released a handful of demos from the recording sessions for the EP to raise money for charitable organizations in their respective hometowns on behalf of the Downtown Women’s Center of Los Angeles, OUTMemphis, and Mutual Aid Distribution Richmond. The long-awaited album is produced and written by boygenius. It was recorded at Shangri-la Studios in Malibu, California. Track listing for the record below: - Without You Without Them
- $20
- Emily I’m Sorry
- True Blue
- Cool About It
- Not Strong Enough
- Revolution 0
- Leonard Cohen
- Satanist
- We’re In Love
- Anti-Curse
- Letter To An Old Poet
boygenius will perform at this year’s Coachella Music Festival on Saturday, April 15th and Saturday, April 22nd. Praise for boygenius: “The band instantly became the “Infinity War” of female-led indie-rock outfits…it’s not your average vision of feminist empowerment via extreme independence” – Vogue “The sizable talent and personalities of Julien Baker, Phoebe Bridgers, and Lucy Dacus come together for a harmonious, confrontational, and all too brief EP” – Pitchfork “an astonishing record” – NME “Rock’s best super group” – Daily Beast KEEP UP WITH BOYGENIUS:
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