Rock band Telltale have released a brand new single and video ‘MONSTER’. The single is taken off the bands recently announced debut full-length record, Telltale, which is set to be released on 17th May via Rude Records. Several years in the making, the album follows previous EPs Good intentions, Timeless Youth, and Lie Your Way Out. It features the recently released tracks “Otherside”, “Cardinals”, “EDDY”, and “kissinginacarcrash”. Watch the video for ‘MONSTER’ HERE or by clicking the image below. ![]()
Speaking about the new single the band said “MONSTER is a track that we couldn’t be more clear about, it’s pure dad rock. Our dads all raised us on various rock and metal artists and we all carry a love for some of their favourite bands with us in the music we create. This song is for them and all the dads and father figures out there who share their love of music with the next generation.” Adding about the album the band said “It’s taken us three EPs and over half a decade to finally create the album we’ve always wanted. This is Telltale. If there is one major takeaway from the record, it’s that escaping into the isolation of your vices isn’t a solution to the feeling of disconnection.” The album will be available, in addition to the limited to 150 vinyl, exclusively at Pre-save / pre-order Telltale now at Stay tuned for more new music from Telltale, coming soon. About Telltale Hailing from Richmond, Virginia, Telltale is a dynamic quartet— composed of John Carteret (vocals), Bryce Marshall (guitar), Tim Fogg (bass), and Travis Slack (drums)— known for their emotive lyrics, infectious melodies, and an unwavering commitment to sharing the stories that shape their lives. The band has released a string of EPs over their career— Good Intentions (2017), Timeless Youth (2019), and Lie Your Way Out (2022)— utilizing those songs to master their craft and hone into their sound. Fan favorite “Rose”, from Timeless Youth, has amassed almost 8 million listens on Spotify while Lie Your Way Out’s “Slowburn” sparked conversation about climate change and the abundance of wildfires. With the release of “Otherside” in December, Telltale teased the next era of their music which takes a step forward into dealing with reality in a yearningly powerful way. It’s an all encompassing single that proves the band has grown in sound and style exponentially and should get listeners excited for what is to come. The music video, directed by Chase Warren, is an immersive dive into the complexities of chasing an unknown side of reality and gives an extra dimension to the song’s meaning. “Otherside” has been added to editorial playlists such as Spotify’s “All New Rock” and has garnered thousands of listens. Telltale’s live performances have helped cultivate a continuously exciting and personable experience as they have had the pleasure of sharing the stage with other standout bands in the scene such as Holding Absence, Knuckle Puck, and Trash Boat. 2023 has been quite the year for touring as they coheadlined a full U.S. tour with label-mates Sundressed and supported The Home Team on select dates of their spring tour. The band also made a trip abroad with a UK tour and an appearance at 2000 Trees, an independent rock festival. Through their music, Telltale invites you to join them on a journey through the highs and lows of life, where every song is a page turned in the book of their collective experiences. Telltale Tracklist: 1. w2b
2. Otherside
3. Cardinals
4. kissinginacarcrash
6. Gettin’ Sober
8. Take Your Time
9. I’ve Given More To A Lesser God
10. Not The Type Telltale:
John Carteret (vocals), Tim Fogg (bass), Bryce Marshall (guitar), Travis Slack (drums) |