Stray from the Path // Make Them Suffer // Void of Vision // Knosis // Live Review // Stylus // Leeds

Stray from the Path join us today in the ever colder Leeds playing at Stylus. The band are joined by three others, with only the headliner band tonight somewhat hailing from the UK (the headliner is described as a NY/UK band). The crowd tonight was a whole mix of fans who had been waiting long enough to see one of their favourites.

Knosis are a 4 piece band hailing from Japan, with ex-Crystal Lake singer Ryo Kinoshita. The band came onto the stage before their start time and sat waiting for the clock to hit 7. At first, I thought they were maybe checking the instruments, as they sat down- but with an all-white outfit from the singer, I thought “Surely this is the band”. Once that hand hit 7, all they were holding back was unleashed.

The band have great sound and rhythm that matches perfectly with the harsh vocals of the vocalist. The songs are energetic, equally matched with the energy of the band who are constantly jumping and moving around the stage making use of the space.

I loved the energy from the guitarists whether it was the one constantly moshing, or the one who was constantly on the move, along with the vocalist. Both jumped wherever they could. The drummer was right at the back of the stage and with how high the stage is, it’s hard to see him. But as I went to the higher platform I could see him in all his bucket hat glory. The dude making it look like the fast-paced drums were the easiest most natural thing in the world to him.

In the crowd were some Crystal Lake fans who had obviously been following Ryo’s new work. It was great to hear the stories and enthusiasm as fans were meeting the singer, who wasn’t afraid to go out into the crowd after their set wrapped and got pictures.

After the crowd sang along to “Angels” by Robbie Williams; the Aussie band, Void of Vision, took to the stage.

The vocalist set out on a mission to get the crowd warmed up ready for our headliner. And they did a pretty good job. By the 3rd song, the vocalist had told the crowd they weren’t trying hard enough so many times, it finally took hold and made the crowd mosh all the way from the barrier to the middle of the pit.

The band have a gothic aesthetic to them, that adds a nice addition to their harsh vocals and heavy drums. When the vocals were soft, they really hit and tied the songs together. If anyone would be sweatier than the crowd at this point, it would be the band members on stage. The vocalist especially jumping and thrashing around the space. At one point, he was hitting the drummer’s cymbal, whilst the two guitarists were moshing and bobbing at their spots.

The crowd control of the vocalist is praise-worthy. He had amazing confidence commanding the crowd to jump and get involved. Whether that was with claps (which once he did the crowd copied like the good rockers they are) or if it was jumping and asking the crowd to give twice as much effort than they previously did. I can only imagine what a headliner gig for these guys would be like.

I WISH the songs were announced as they played them, as there are some I’d love to mention here but but it’s hard to remember which ones they were, so I mean I guess just listen to the entire discography. I will definitely be adding this band to my playlist anyway. Also side note but I really loved that velvet shirt one of the guitarists had on. If you see this, please drop a link.

The 5-piece known as Make Them Suffer are in the UK after many years, coming all the way from Australia. After an ominous downing of the lights, on came the band. Seeing what they brought to the night, I wished the band had high energy lights to match their songs. The lighting they’d opted for was minimal reds and purples that just flashed occasionally with the beat. That aside though, the energy the band brought by themselves was enough to get the crowd jumping.

The harsh vocalist of the band was constantly on the move and the main giver of the crowd interaction. Though he wasn’t as intense as Void of Vision, the crowd didn’t need much swaying as it was clear there were many fans who’d been waiting for the arrival of the growing Aussie band. Within the first two songs, us in the photo pit were trying to dodge multiple crowd surfers being pulled over the barrier. The smile on the crowd’s faces was something to behold after all the tension I’d seen between newer metal fans and crowd surfers. It was great to see a crowd in such unison and joy.

The harsh vocals and soft vocals of both singers blended greatly together. Though one vocalist was manning the keyboard, it didn’t stop her from thrashing her head up and down when she had the opportunity. Between her moshes and the harsh vocalist jumping- it was hard to decide who to watch as they were both equally captivating. They wrapped their set with a promise to be back and thanks to the fans for coming out.

Looking around the crowd, I had a nosey at what other bands fans of Stray from the Path like. I saw shirts for Killswitch Engage, Spiritbox and Bad Omens. After going to the Leeds gig for Corey Taylor the day before and being absolutely stunned at how miserable the crowd was during the support (even telling the support to “shut up” and “get on with it” which left me absolutely raging), I realised that younger metal fans are way more open to experiencing new music and bands. Seeing how the crowd was today and the fact there are so many newer bands on their shirts, it filled me hope after such a bitter taste in my mouth from the day before.

After much wait and many iconic songs on the interval later…Stray from the Path made their way onto the stage. The first to walk out being Craig, the drummer, of which probably has his own fanbase at this point with his downbeat podcast. Followed by the guitarists. Once all these three had made their appearance, the crowd began the iconic Yorkshire Chant. Something I’d been waiting for all night. The vocalist then came out in some dungarees with energy to match the chant, which immediately sent the crowd into uproar.

Wasting no time the the band got straight into it. I hadn’t heard any Stray from the Path songs previously on purpose, as always I like to be surprised and DAYUM. The lyrical content is so fuelled with rage, I love it. “You stupid fuck” making the perfect ad lib for fans to shout out.

The band definitely seemed to embrace a more cinematic feel, something very popular nowadays with bands, that added to the atmosphere of the room. Before every song, there would either be a visual or a movie/TV quote to introduce the track. With how high energy the bands songs are, it almost sucked some of the energy having a 30 second intermission with the quotes playing over the speakers. The vocalist able to bring the energy back however, by having the audience throw up their hands and encouraging the crowd to “be on top of each other”.

Tonight was clearly an amazing night for everyone involved. There are no major critiques I can say for each band and the crowd were absolutely here to enjoy music. No end could be seen of the surfers and the amount of death walls? I’m going to assume at least one tooth has been lost today.

Stray from the Path have one more date lined up in the UK and a few in the EU before heading out to America. With this line up, it would be a shame to miss it. If you’re able to, go. If you were unsure, go. This is one of those gigs, bands, tours – whatever you want to call it, that just allows you to escape and fully enjoy metal in all its beauty and community.

You know who would be SICK paired with Stray from the Path on a tour? Thrown. That would be an insane tour with them two together.

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