Rock ‘N’ Load Exclusive – GAZ Unveils Deeply Personal Single and Lyric Video ‘My New Skin’

GAZ Unveils Deeply Personal Single and Lyric Video ‘My New Skin’ – Title Track from Upcoming Album

UK-born, South African-based singer-songwriter GAZ has released his new single and lyric video titled ‘My New Skin’. Produced by SAMA-winning producer Mark Beling, this track is the title of his forthcoming album and represents a pivotal moment in GAZ’s musical and personal journey.

‘My New Skin’ delves into themes of personal growth and renewal, offering a deeply introspective experience. Written before his wife Kim’s breast cancer diagnosis, the song now carries additional significance, resonating with her courageous fight and recovery. GAZ describes the track as a liberating journey of shedding old layers of pain, anxiety, and fear, and embracing a future filled with love, light, and hope.

Watch the Lyric Video

Stream ‘My New Skin’

“I’ve always written about love, life, loss, and renewal,” GAZ shares. “This time, the inspiration came from deep within – a letter to myself, both past and present. ‘My New Skin’ is about shedding the weight of the past and stepping into a future filled with warmth and love. The journey has been deeply personal, but I hope it inspires others to reflect on their own paths and find their own renewal.”

A Journey of Transformation – The creation of ‘My New Skin’ wasn’t without its challenges. After recording the initial tracks, GAZ and his family were confronted with Kim’s diagnosis. Despite this, the recording process continued, with GAZ’s vision and Mark Beling’s production capturing the raw emotion behind the song. “Recording My New Skin was seamless,” GAZ adds. “Mark brought incredible atmosphere to the track, especially with the guitar and ambient layers. We recorded it at his studio, but once Kim’s illness was diagnosed, everything else took a backseat. Yet, the song came together beautifully, almost as if it was always meant to reflect this moment in our lives.”

Rock ‘N’ Load Exclusive: GAZ Unveils ‘My New Skin’ – A Journey of Renewal and Resilience

UK-born, South African-based singer-songwriter GAZ has emerged from a pivotal chapter in his life with the release of his deeply personal new single, ‘My New Skin’. Premiering exclusively with Rock ‘N’ Load, the lyric video for the track reveals a raw, introspective journey of growth, renewal, and self-discovery. Produced by the acclaimed Mark Beling, the song reflects on shedding the old and embracing a brighter future, themes that have taken on even greater significance following his wife Kim’s battle with breast cancer.

In this candid interview, GAZ opens about the creation of ‘My New Skin’, how his personal challenges have shaped his music, and what fans can expect from his forthcoming album of the same name. Join us as we dive into the mind and heart of an artist who continues to use his music as a beacon of hope and strength.

Q: ‘My New Skin’ is described as a deeply personal track that touches on themes of growth, renewal, and self-reflection. Can you tell us what inspired you to write this song and what it means to you?

GAZ: With the soundtrack already running on repeat in my mind I put pen to paper and almost unconsciously wrote “Dear me”.
I sat back and stared at those words for a few minutes… What is this? what does it want to be? What does it mean?
It dawned on me that I had started writing a letter to myself.

I sat back again and further pondered what I might write to myself.
A pretty scary, challenging process of self-reflection came pouring out as I wrote with total honesty and transparency the myself.
The current me was challenging the previous me. What was I in the past? what have I become? what do I want, and what road will I choose for myself into the future?

As the writing process unfolded I envisioned shedding layers of skin over the years as I evolve to my present self. Thoughts of past times are left behind as I choose a road ahead that I wish for myself .

Q: The lyric video for ‘My New Skin’ is premiering with us at Rock ‘N’ Load. What was the creative process behind this video? How did you want the visuals to complement the song’s message?

GAZ: When I visualised the video, I knew from the outset that I had to be in it for it to make any sense. I really do not like the look of myself in photos and video etc so this was a major mental challenge to overcome.
Usually I would go to any length to obscure myself somehow and be “less seen”.

Mobile phone in my hand I took a walk through my sons school which has vast open spaces, ponds, trees and light.

I decided that this production would be personal. I would fully expose myself, my image and feelings to all no matter the consequence. I mime the words into my phone camera as the track plays gently through the phones microphone.

I have no idea what the footage will look like and do a few takes hoping its just about good enough footage to use.

I believe the video compliments the song as I sing to myself about myself. Strangely satisfying and liberating to bare all as I shed another part of what has traditionally held me back from being my true self.

The footage is raw, not a high end production and I’m good with that.

Q: The song represents a rebirth for you, both musically and spiritually. What was different about your approach to this track compared to your previous releases, and how has this process shaped your evolution as an artist?

GAZ: Yes, the approach of this track was entirely different to my previous releases and process. It is way easier to write about someone or something else, but when choosing yourself as the topic, the writing process becomes an entirely different ball game.

This round I had to totally open up to myself with outright honesty or I would simply be lying to myself, or merely just jotting down words without meaning to satisfy the song. I couldn’t tolerate listening to the track or be proud of it had I taken the latter approach.

Writing this track allows me to consciously make decisions about myself and what I want for my future. I believe the purity of this approach allows me to shed the scars of the past, take a step forward into the light to a place that is more comfortable for me.

I hope that listeners find something within the song that they can resonate with about themselves to internalise who they are and what choices could make them a better person.

Q: Your wife’s breast cancer diagnosis undoubtedly brought a significant shift in your life. How has her courageous journey through this challenge impacted your music, and in what ways do you think it has deepened your connection to the themes of resilience and renewal in My New Skin?

GAZ: When this dreaded news arrived “My New Skin” was put on hold in terms of the final refinements to the track. The song was already written and studio recordings from my side complete.
My wife Kim had to undertake major surgery to rid herself from the curse as well as take on a significant recovery process. She is currently 12 of 20 sessions into her radiotherapy and is making great progress.

To a great degree the song has many references to her physical battle when one considers the lyrics. Again, very interesting that the song was written prior to her diagnosis.

While I deal with the spiritual aspects of my life in the song, she is simultaneously dealing with her physical battle as well as her new skin. The world works in strange ways sometimes!

Q: SAMA-winning artist and producer Mark Beling has been instrumental in producing your music. What was the recording experience like with him, and how did you two work together to bring ‘My New Skin’ to life?

GAZ: Yes, Mark has been fundamental to my progress and sound. We get each other and worked seamlessly to put this track together. The geography of the track took approximately 90 minutes and I did about 30 minutes of guide vocals in the first studio session.

The guide vocals remain in the final product. Somewhat raw and not overproduced. Again, the honesty in the track makes it for me and I hope that this is what listeners manage to pick-up on.

Having done around 12 tracks to this point with Mark, it is fairly easy to click into what the GAZ sound is now.

I cannot imagine a more comfortable setting than Mark’s studio. Besides the fact that he is the ultimate soft-spoke gentleman that I know, he is a master of sound.

I’m privileged to be in his good hands and I openly share every success with him. Its our music. Not mine.

Q: Mental health and personal well-being are topics that often appear in your music. How do you balance the vulnerability of exploring these topics with maintaining a sense of empowerment in your songs?

GAZ: Honesty from start to end. In that space you can challenge anything or any topic and feel comfortable within yourself. I always try to bring an element of ache or deeper thinking to my lyrics to challenge myself and listeners.

Bouncy pop songs are not really my thing and I believe the style of music that Mark and I have crafted around my lyrics really help to move the tracks along.

Whilst some may suggest that my songs are somewhat melancholic, the themes I choose are perfectly driven home in my opinion for what I am after

Q: You’ve had great success with singles like ‘Slow Down’, ‘Dopamine’, and ‘Lullaby for the World’. How does ‘My New Skin’ fit into the broader narrative of your upcoming album, and what can fans expect from the rest of the tracks?

GAZ: My New Skin forms the cornerstone track to my album. I have also decided to name the album itself My New Skin. From what I was 4 years ago when I started this album to what I am now are very different people emotionally and spiritually.

I have taken on some tough topics that include life, death, rebirth, resurrection, rehabilitation, politics, protest, religion, war, social struggles, drugs and reflections from within myself.

As you mention, many of the tracks on the album have already had great success as singles. I think once these are all compiled into an album (along with a final unreleased track) fans can expect a journey that rides through episodes of all of the abovementioned topics.

Q: You’ve mentioned that inspiration for your music can come at any moment. Can you walk us through a typical day in your creative process? What does it look like when a new idea hits you, and how do you develop it into a song?

GAZ: I am very fortunate to be able to receive a soundtrack from above at any given moment. I would suggest it’s more about being open to receive than being creative.

I stopped writing music after leaving my prior band CRUSH in 1998. The tap stopped. I had turned it off to get on with life. 4 years ago I turned the tap back on and it simply flows. I now have too many new sounds and ideas to cope with which is a real luxury.

At any time a new sound can hit you. Its also about what you do with it in that moment, and quickly or its gone for good. I have honestly lost some bangers thinking I will remember them but nope, gone, so straight out with the phone and I sing the underlying track to myself in a WattsApp.

Its generally utter garble at that stage but the moments has been saved and I can refer back to it when ready to develop it further.

So the process is for example, from the shower, to the phone, to the writing, to the studio. I sing the harmonies, bass lines etc to Mark and he interprets that instrumentally and produces the track.

Q: You’re preparing for a live performance again with a full band to mark the album’s release. How are you feeling about returning to the stage, and what can fans look forward to in your upcoming shows?

GAZ: Yes, I’m actually itching to do a gig or two as I thought we would be at that point by now. Fans can expect nothing less than an outfit of professional rehearsed musicians to accompany my return to stage.
I have performed quite a few of my tracks live in a public setting recently to test the water and I am very happy to report that I am confident that the live shows will do justice to the in studio recordings.

Q: With everything you’ve accomplished and been through, what would you say to your younger self just starting out in music? Any advice you’d pass on to up-and-coming musicians who might be following in your footsteps?

GAZ: Be yourself. Don’t make music to impress others first, make sure that your sound suits your passion to make music first. Be original and honest with your approach, there is plenty time to evolve and tweak your direction as you go.

Spend good money on a great producer. Spend good money on a great promoter. Spend good money on photography and your profile.

Stay in love with music, if you leave it, it leaves you.

As GAZ continues to break new ground with his unique blend of emotive storytelling and hard-hitting melodies, ‘My New Skin’ stands as a testament to his resilience, both as a person and as an artist. The song’s message of renewal and self-reflection offers listeners a powerful reminder that even in the face of adversity, there is always a path forward toward healing and light.

With his upcoming album set for release later this year and live performances on the horizon, GAZ’s journey is far from over. His willingness to confront life’s challenges through music invites all of us to do the same, making ‘My New Skin’ a song not just for him, but for anyone searching for their own sense of renewal.

Be sure to check out the exclusive premiere of the ‘My New Skin’ lyric video, and stay tuned for more from GAZ as he embarks on this exciting new chapter in his career.

Watch the Lyric Video

Stream ‘My New Skin’


About ‘My New Skin’

UK-born, South African-based singer-songwriter GAZ has released his new single and lyric video titled ‘My New Skin’. Produced by SAMA-winning producer Mark Beling, this track is the title of his forthcoming album and represents a pivotal moment in GAZ’s musical and personal journey.

‘My New Skin’ delves into themes of personal growth and renewal, offering a deeply introspective experience. Written before his wife Kim’s breast cancer diagnosis, the song now carries additional significance, resonating with her courageous fight and recovery. GAZ describes the track as a liberating journey of shedding old layers of pain, anxiety, and fear, and embracing a future filled with love, light, and hope.

GAZ shares, “My inspiration for ‘My New Skin’ is the cornerstone single of my album’s journey. In the past, I have written about love, life, loss, renewal, resurrection, and rebellion. This time, the inspiration comes from deep within, as I self-reflect. I am writing to and singing to myself, both the current and former me. It’s a letter to myself. The musical journey I have embarked on has taught me many lessons about myself—how I feel about myself now versus the past. It is a liberating journey of self-reflection and exploration that visualises a path into my future. I shed my skin and choose to embrace warmth, love, and light, rather than a life of hurt, suffering, and anxiety. This is my rebirth. This is my coming of age, both musically and spiritually, and it captures an evolution of myself and the road I have travelled. This song was already written some time before my dear wife, Kim, was diagnosed with breast cancer. It is quite fitting that many passages of this track refer to her fight and recovery.”

GAZ adds, “When it comes to writing, I am very fortunate to have new music penetrate my day-to-day life at any moment. I’m open to receiving it, and it arrives. I hear the guitars, bass, and melodies, so I set about writing something fitting for this ‘beamed-down soundtrack’. The first words I wrote at the top of the A4 page, with a Pilot pen in hand, were, ‘Dear Me’. It was evident from the start that I needed to challenge myself, to self-reflect and dive into who I am. A tough but honest process began, and I journeyed into a vulnerable, undiscovered area and a conversation that I had never had with myself. It is a liberating experience to be 100% honest with oneself, and then to translate that further into exposing your inner thoughts for all to see or hear is the ultimate in letting go. I hope that listeners will use this song to dive deeply into their own thoughts and reflect on themselves and what they wish for their own lives.”

On recording, GAZ continues, “The recording process for this track was seamless. The single was recorded at Mark Beling Studio approximately three months ago. As usual, I sang melodies and vocal passages for the proposed song, and we set about crafting the geography of the track. The music took approximately two and a half hours to lay down, and I performed a vocal session of about half an hour for the guide vocals. We then got the news of my wife’s illness, and of course, her well-being took precedence, so the song was put on hold. From there, Mark added some beautiful guitar passages and ambience that really pull the mood of the track together. I am delighted with the outcome.”

About GAZ

Garry McCluskey, better known by his stage name GAZ, is a singer-songwriter originally from the UK, now based in South Africa. As the former frontman of the 1990s South African rock band CRUSH, GAZ is well-versed in both studio and live performance settings. Throughout his career, he has shared the stage with some of South Africa’s most renowned musical talents and achieved chart success with his former four-piece band.

After a hiatus from the South African music scene, Garry rekindled his passion for writing and recording music in 2020, adopting the stage name ‘GAZ’ for his solo endeavours. SAMA-winning producer Mark Beling has been instrumental in GAZ’s musical journey, overseeing the recording and production of all tracks for GAZ’s highly anticipated debut album, ‘My New Skin’, at his Johannesburg studio, set for release in Q4 of 2024.

Each single from this upcoming album has been systematically released over the past four years, with several achieving radio chart success, including ‘Slow Down’ (No. 1 North Carolina, USA), ‘Lullaby For The World’ (SA Top 10), ‘Dopamine’ (SA Top 10), ‘Pay To Breathe’ (SA Top 20), and others reaching the SA Top 40. Each track showcases GAZ’s distinctive, hard-hitting style.

The charismatic frontman, renowned for his captivating vocals and songwriting prowess, plans to mark the album’s release with a return to the stage, accompanied by a full live band. Keep an eye out for GAZ as he continues to make waves in the music industry with his soulful sound and electrifying performances.

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