Southern California psychedelic/progressive rock unit, Birth, released its full-length debut LP, ‘Born‘, on July 15 via UK rock label Bad Omen Records (Wytch Hazel, Spell, Satan’s Satyrs). Featuring members of San Diego’s revered retro rockers Astra, along with current or former members of Joy, Radio Moscow, and Sacri Monti, Birth owns a cavernous cache of credibility rarely found in developing musical groups. Described as “a magic-eye journey into kaleidoscopic sound”, and “a dystopian take on the here and now”, ‘Born‘ is available for purchase at this location.. Connecting with fans on both sides of the Atlantic the band’s debut LP has landed on both the Official UK and North American Billboard Charts in its first week of release. ‘Born‘ placed at #12 on the Official UK Independent Album Breakers Chart, #16 on the Official UK Rock / Metal Album Chart and garnered a #31 spot on the Official UK Independent Album Chart. Simultaneously, the album also earned #17 on Billboard‘s Top New Artists Albums, #19 on its Current Hard Music Albums, and at #66 on the Independent Albums Chart while also placing #31 Hard Music Albums on the Canadian Billboard Chart and #110 on their Top Current Albums ranking. In its review of the debut,San Diego Magazine called Birth‘s sound “head-trip wizardry” and stated, “Born’ showcases the kind of cosmic journey four seasoned veterans can conjure up when they get into the same room together.” In celebration of the album’s chart debuts, Birth unveil a video for the album’s penultimate track “Long Way Down“. The clip, created by Vince Edwards (Behemoth, Motor Sister), sees the band performing the track amidst a kaleidoscopic, Beat-Club setting. View Birth‘s “Long Way Down” at this location. |