Picturesque (Photo: Meg Shanks) 

Kentucky based post-hardcore quintet Picturesque has released their hotly anticipated six track EP IYKYK  (‘if you know, you know’) on Equal Vision Records. You can stream the EP here. This new collection of songs includes fan favorites “Strange Habits” and “Hopeless”, which marked the return of the band after a several year hiatus following their critically acclaimed sophomore LP Do You Feel O.K?. Born out of a post-hardcore scene that’s often characterized more by aggression than accessibility, the five-piece steadfastly refuse to be boxed or pigeonholed, and they’re set on embracing musical tropes not traditionally associated with heavy music.

Like most of the output from the band, the six tracks on IYKYK tell specific stories, but are also riddled with hidden meanings and secret references. One of the topics “Hopeless” deals with, for instance, is vocalist Kyle Hollis being taken away from his father when he was a child. It’s a harrowing subject matter that adds greatly to the fraught and frantic tension and emotion that permeates the song and the release as a whole. Picturesque is a formidable instrumental unit, but special attention must be given to lead singer and creative mastermind Hollis. Boasting one of the most dynamic voices in alternative music, his soaring vocals cascade through each of the six tracks with an impressive versatility. The lyrics throughout the EP feel deeply personal and utterly relatable, with Hollis providing a singular voice to emotions and experiences that will resonate differently for each listener.

IYKYK is a reminder to fans old and new that the band is relentless in their exploration of the sonic landscape of alternative music. Angular guitars swirl around elements of pop, post hardcore, hip hop and electronic music, highlighting the bands highly creative approach to songwriting.

The band has this to say about IYKYK: 

“IYKYK is the culmination of a small group of people working to challenge the way this band and rock music can sound. Picturesque is constantly striving to never write the same song twice. We never want to sit still, and we never want to rest on our laurels. This EP is a product of that mindset and there is something for everyone who is a fan of rock music.” 

Picturesque is Kyle Hollis (vocals), Zach Williamson (guitar), Dylan Forrester (guitar) and Jordan Greenway (bass). IYKYK is out now on Equal Vision Records, you can stream it here.

ABOUT PICTURESQUE: Time has become an increasingly abstract concept since the pandemic, not least for bands. For while there’s always a distance between the writing of a record and its release, the last few years have truly highlighted the reality of that. It’s something Picturesque have captured perfectly with their brand new EP, IYKYK. Its six tracks might be coming out now, but they’re a very specific snapshot of the past – what’s more, a past that everyone in the world experienced collectively at the same time, and the accompanying sense of dread, uncertainty and inertia that came with it. It means that IYKYK—shorthand, of course, for ‘if you know, you know’—paints a picture simultaneously of both who Picturesque—vocalist Kyle Hollis, guitarists Zach Williamson and Dylan Forrester, and bassist Jordan Greenway—are and were.
“These songs were written during the earlier days of the pandemic,” explains Williamson. “We’re notoriously slow songwriters, but since we were locked inside, we decided to be productive. So we locked ourselves in a room and wrote, and this is what came out.”The end result is an EP with which the band set out to challenge themselves, even if—or perhaps precisely because—that seemed like an impossible task at the time. Lead single “Hopeless” captures that frustration that most of us felt at the start of the pandemic. It begins with what almost sounds like a medieval guitar-line backed with a fuzzy crackle similar to an old, overplayed piece of vinyl. But then it suddenly jumps across centuries into the present—or perhaps the near-future—and the song explodes into a swathe of beats, synths, guitars and distorted vocals. A true blast of pop magnificence, while it retains some of the post-hardcore influences and sounds from the band’s early days, it’s really more a calculated step forward into the next phase of their career. At the same time, it’s also a song about being and feeling stuck on numerous levels, both literal and metaphorical, all of which play into its lyrics and the urgent, breathless melody that propels it. Ironically, the song itself is an act of defiance, a rush of adrenaline that bursts through that feeling of futility, defeating the very thing at the heart of its subject matter.

And while the band’s shift away from their musical roots started with 2020’s second album, Do You Feel OK?, it truly is in full force here. For while that record was a world away from Back To Beautiful, their 2017 debut full-length, this EP is a galaxy away.

“Musically, I think every artist kind of hits the threshold for the scene that they came up in, or the particular demographic of their listeners,” the guitarist says. “We asked ourselves ‘How do we break out of just being a rock band, or a Warped Tour band?’ Because we don’t want to be seen as that. We want to be much more.”

The emphatic answer to that question is contained within these six songs. Like most Picturesque songs, these EP tracks tell specific stories, but are also riddled with hidden meanings and secret references. One of the topics “Hopeless” deals with, for instance, is Hollis being taken away from his father when he was a child. It’s a harrowing subject matter that adds greatly to the fraught and frantic tension and emotion that permeates the song.

“He was kidnapped by his biological mother,” Williamson says. “‘Kidnap’ may be a strong word, but that’s the word Kyle uses—he was taken away from his father and held and nobody was able to contact him. And basically his dad and a private detective came to grab him and take him back. So we took inspiration from being stuck in this kind of rundown house in southern Arkansas and put it into the verses a little bit.”

IYKYK is out now on Equal Vision Records
