North Carolina’s Youth League Release “Somehow Those Were Days”on Sept 2nd via Wiretap Records

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North Carolina trio Youth League is releasing the new album “Somehow Those Were Days,” on September 2nd via Wiretap Records.

Band Playing Fest in October

“…reminiscent of the early aughts emo and math rock, Youth League are definitely onto something. Is it post-rock? Sure, let’s go with that and then add words like creative, experimental and limitless.”- Punk Rock Theory

“It’s rare to see a trio produce a soundscape as expansive as Youth League. Their vocal hooks dig in deep and further drive home their antic instrumentals, keeping the listener teetering on the edge of their seats and yearning for more. To say the sky is the limit for Youth League feels restrictive, as their sound has already traversed into the great unknown. –CLTURE entertainment

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Photo: Ben Brown

North Carolina trio Youth League is releasing the new album “Somehow Those Were Days,” on September 2nd via Wiretap Records.

The band will be on tour in October, which includes an appearance at Fest. See dates below.

Spotify Pre-Save:

Pre-order on Bandcamp:

“Part & Parcel” on Youtube:

“Nineteen Ninety Nine” music video:

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Artwork: Daniel Harris


10/25-Durham,NC Rubies on Five Points

w/ Tiny Stills and Frontside

10/26-Charlotte,NC Snug Harbor

w/ Cuzco, The Most, Short Fictions

10/27- Birmingham,AL The Nick

w/ Devon Kay & the Solutions

10/30-Gainesville,FL HOW BAZAR


10/31-Charleston,SC Tin Roof

w/ Haunters and Never Any Ordinary

11/1- Wilmington,NC Reggies 42nd Street Tavern

w/ Slumberwave, and TBA

11/2-Greensboro,NC Etc.gso

w/ Toothsome and LIMN

11/3-Sanford,NC JGonzAudio “Gonzpound”

w/ Oort Patrol and Weymouth the Band

11/4-Raleigh,NC The Night Rider

w/ Boy Named Sue and Zephyranthes

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