Unveiling the Soul of South African Rock: A Deep Dive into Jackson Colt’s Latest Musical Odyssey

Unveiling the Soul of South African Rock: A Deep Dive into Jackson Colt’s Latest Musical Odyssey

Welcome back to Rock ‘N’ Load, where we embark on a sonic voyage through the mesmerizing world of music. Today, we reconnect with Jackson Colt, the enigmatic force reshaping the landscape of South African rock. With their latest single, ‘Shake Your Body,’ poised to captivate audiences worldwide, Jackson Colt invites us to unravel the layers of darkness and dance, sadness and ecstasy woven into the fabric of their latest musical offering. As we tune in from the shores of Ireland, we delve into the depths of Jackson Colt’s sonic evolution and the intriguing saga behind ‘Shake Your Body.’

Q: Jackson Colt, your music has always been an intricate tapestry of sound and emotion. Can you take us on a journey through the thematic elements and inspirations behind your latest single, ‘Shake Your Body,’ and how they reflect the essence of Jackson Colt’s evolution as musicians?

Jackson Colt: The song deals with idea of music being the cure to heartbreak. Getting lost in the music can help you escape from reality. This is done by creating two worlds within the song. The human world and the vampire world. People who are in the human world are prisoners of their heartache. When becoming a vampire and entering the spirit realm, you get lost in the euphoria of the music. Dancing to the song represents those who are escaping their pain and is what led us to drawing inspiration from 80s dance music which is something we as a band have never experimented with.

Q: Your music spans across genres, blending elements of classic retro rock, and even 80’s dance, resonating with a diverse audience across generations. How do you envision ‘Shake Your Body’ connecting with listeners, both musically and emotionally, and what message do you hope to convey through this electrifying track?

Jackson Colt: I want listeners to feel that they can get lost in the song. I want them to escape reality for the duration of the song and join the band in the vampire world. Whatever is haunting your heart, take a break and become a vampire with us.

Q: Can you share insights into the creative process behind ‘Shake Your Body,’ particularly in terms of the sonic elements and production techniques used to bring this dark yet danceable masterpiece to life?

Jackson Colt: Experiment with dance music influences was something that forced me to step outside of my comfort zone. This is the first song that we have included keyboards and synths. It was uncharted territory for me personally but with the help of producer Dale Schnettler, we were able to navigate through the song. There are a lot of subtle textures and layers created with the keys that highlighted the dance element to the song. We created a keys/electronic demo version for the song first before I got to reach for my trusted guitar. This is also the first song we have included a 7-string guitar. I wanted the guitars to contrast the bright-neon keys sound and the 7-string created a nice darker ambiance to the song.

Q: Reflecting on your journey as musicians, what challenges did you face while crafting ‘Shake Your Body,’ and how did you overcome them to achieve the desired sonic vision?

Jackson Colt: I really wanted to push pass my limits as a vocalist for the song. I’ve my briefly dabbled in my higher register and it’s a region of my voice that I want to utilize more in my future music. Prepared for three months prior to the recording of Shake Your Body by training and practicing my higher register. I became obsessed with learning the inner intricacies of the voice. I feel that without this preparation, I would have never been able to perform this song.

Q: Delving into the darker themes of ‘Shake Your Body,’ such as the juxtaposition of sadness and ecstasy, how do you navigate the complexities of such emotional landscapes while staying true to your artistic vision?

Jackson Colt: I feel that everything in music must have balance. Even though the song lyrically deals with the darker aspect emotion, I wanted to create an upbeat, almost “positive” sounding music environment. They are two contrasting ideas for a song because usually the soundscape of the music with compliment with subject matter of the song. Finding the right balance of darkness and neon was the key to bringing this song to life. One could not be stronger than the other, otherwise the song would not make any sense.

Q: On a lighter note, if Jackson Colt were stranded on a deserted island, which band member would be most likely to survive a zombie apocalypse, and why?

Jackson Colt: None of us sadly. We are musicians so the zombies request Free Bird, and we aren’t ready… it’s all over for us. Also being on a deserted island as a band, none of us would be willing to part ways with our instruments and use them to build a raft.

Q: Looking beyond ‘Shake Your Body,’ what exciting projects or tours are on the horizon for Jackson Colt, and how do you envision the band’s musical trajectory unfolding in the coming months?

Jackson Colt: We have a few more singles and music videos to release before the penultimate debut album. We are also very excited about a collaboration with an artist that I have been a fan of since I was young. We are hoping once the content and material of the band is released to tour constantly in different regions. Ireland in particular.

Q: As you continue to push the boundaries of South African rock, how do you see Jackson Colt’s role in shaping the future of the genre, both locally and on the global stage?

Jackson Colt: Our goal is to introduce a whole new generation to the genre of music that we love – 80s rock. We are so proud to be making the music that we are so passionate about, and we want it share this genre with the future rockers wherever they may be.

Q: Can you share a memorable experience from one of your tours or performances that truly encapsulates the essence of Jackson Colt’s musical journey, and how it relates to the themes explored in ‘Shake Your Body’?

Jackson Colt: We played a festival last year here in South Africa. When we were onstage a very special lady was in the front row and she was getting lost in our songs. She gave me her business card between songs, and she has had a very big impact on my life. It made me feel that all our hard work was worth it seeing her connecting with our songs. The songs I’ve spent years learning an instrument, practicing my craft and pouring my heart into my songs. In that moment, I brought her to the vampire world. We were both vampires lost in the music, and we had never felt more alive.

Q: Finally, what’s next for Jackson Colt, and what message would you like to convey to your fans eagerly awaiting the release of ‘Shake Your Body’?

Jackson Colt: We have plenty exciting things planned for this year. It’s only the beginning. Stay tuned to our social media because it’s going to be a crazy year that we want to share with everyone. Thank you so much to everyone who has supported us. Without the rockers and metalheads, this band would not exist. We owe everything to you all.

Q: As we tune in from Ireland, we’re curious to know how the Irish music scene has influenced Jackson Colt’s sound and creative process. Are there any Irish bands or artists that have left a lasting impact on your musical journey?

Jackson Colt: Definitely! You can’t think of retro-rock without mentioning the likes of U2 and Thin Lizzy. These bands are iconic, and I remember listening to them on the vinyl records from my parents record collection. I have a big respect for the Irish music scene and the unique style of Celtic music. There is nothing more beautiful that a violin entrancing you with the sounds of Ireland.

Q: In the spirit of cultural exchange, if Jackson Colt could collaborate with an Irish artist or band, who would it be, and what kind of musical fusion do you envision?

Jackson Colt: There is a group called Lúnasa that I am a fan of. Their melodies and instrument use are beautiful and very melodic. I would love to bring my 80s lead guitar style into a song with the and follow the entrancing Irish melody with the group. I think it would be a great challenge for me because Irish melodies are very complex and intricate, and it’s something about the genre that I have so much respect for. I would also love to see the band live.

As we eagerly anticipate the release of ‘Shake Your Body’ and the forthcoming music video, we encourage everyone to join Jackson Colt on their musical journey. Follow them on their social media channels and be sure to stream their latest single, ‘Shake Your Body,’ available on all major platforms. Let’s rock out together with Jackson Colt!

Stream ‘Shake Your Body’ from Friday 15 March > https://linktr.ee/jacksoncoltRock

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