UNMERCIFUL Unveil Two New Songs

UNMERCIFUL Unveil Two New Songs

Topeka, Kansas brutal death metal horde UNMERCIFUL has posted live video footage of two yet-to-be-released new songs – “The Reaping” and “Malice Unbound.”

The footage was shot during the band’s recent performance at the Lawrence, Kansas date of the Ancient Unholy Uprising Tour, headlined by SUFFOCATION and INCANTATION.

Check out “The Reaping” now at youtu.be/HX4OdeayEgk?si=PYLxu4lvh677CMh_

Watch “Malice Unbound” at youtu.be/h_2qYEOcf5k?si=D7Qs4QYNWIU_ob0E

UNMERCIFUL is currently working on material for the follow-up to 2020’s Wrath Encompassed. The band is expected to hit the studio soon and is targeting a 2024 release for the new album.

Wrath Encompassed is out on Willowtip Records and available at:

Willowtip – https://bit.ly/unmerciful-wrathwt

Bandcamp – https://bit.ly/unmerciful-wrathbc

Watch the video for “Wrath Encompassed” at https://youtu.be/TaWqd3DMLL0

“For my money this album is going to be one of the hardest death metal albums to top all year. Unmerciful has checked off all of the boxes of what brutal technical death metal can sound like when musicians are committed to the craft. The efforts of all on this are top-notch and if I was to be asked which album is a must-listen in 2020 this one is it. It does not get much heavier or intense as this. Highly recommended.” – Teeth of the Divine


Clinton Appelhanz – Guitars/ Vocals

Jeremy Turner – Guitars/ Vocals

Trynt Kelly – Drums

Joshua Riley- Vocals







