Produced by Tom Dalgety (Pixies, Ghost, Royal Blood) and marking the band’s debut release on Black Hill Records, Under The Midnight Sun vividly demonstrates how The Cult’s co-founding members, Ian Astbury and Billy Duffy, continue to push further into their esoteric strengths on their 11th album. Flanked by Duffy’s atmospheric riffs and incandescent solos, Astbury reaches new heights of sinewy vulnerability in his vocal presence – bolstering the album’s stylistic alchemy with a lyrical perspective as evocative and mystical as the paradox in the album’s title. As The Cult return to the stage to launch the next chapter of Under The Midnight Sun, Astbury hopes that the album’s new dimensions provoke reactions both primal and sublime in listeners’ consciousness – echoing what he himself experienced during its creation. “At the core of it all, music contains the vibrational frequency of how we once communicated before we could even speak,” Astbury says. “Bird songs, animal calls, string theory, quantum physics, psychedelics… The record ultimately becomes about discovering and celebrating anew the beauty from those strangely natural moments that surround and inspire us.” Under The Midnight Sun track list: - Mirror
- A Cut Inside
- Vendetta X
- Give Me Mercy
- Outer Heaven
- Knife Through Butterfly Heart
- Impermanence
- Under The Midnight Sun
“Rock’s unquenchable melodramatists have the fire in their eyes still – [investing] those primal energies with the wisdom of age, creating something fresh and powerful… Which is surely what a great Cult album is all about.” MOJO “British rock grandees deliver late career gem” Classic Rock “Dark and brooding… glorious” Daily Telegraph “The album shows The Cult taking their musicality, sonic tricks and experience to a new place, still retaining their identity, and this can only be a good thing” Clash “Ian Astbury remains a feisty, fiery frontman… He can still wail too.” Brooklyn Vegan “It sounds mighty impressive” Rock Candy “The definition of musical genius” Powerplay “A welcome return to form from this legendary band” Fireworks “Under the Midnight Sun… has all of the hallmarks of a Cult gem…” LA Weekly “‘Give Me Mercy’ feels classically Cult, as the band envelope their gothic rock influences with a modern sheen.” Consequence “‘Give Me Mercy’ sounds like a classic Cult song thanks to Astbury’s commanding vocals and guitarist Billy Duffy’s melodic riffs…though sonically it feels like a throwback, the lyrical content speaks to today’s social climate.” LA Daily News |