Straight edge, metallic hardcore band Contention release new album Artillery From Heaven on DAZE

Straight edge, metallic hardcore band Contention release new album Artillery From Heaven on DAZE

Photo Credit: Chelsea Gryn

STREAM: Artillery From Heaven
PURCHASE: Artillery From Heaven

“Contention is ready for war, and their battle cry is a double-time breakdown.”The Alternative

“Artillery From Heaven is a work of raging, blazing, straight edge fury that should be remembered and cherished until its vision of a world in ashes becomes a reality.” Distorted Sound

“A field-leveling burst of ’90s metalcore-loving, H8000-style heaviness.”Revolver

“Pulverizing riffs on top of crashing drums make for a sound that is inescapable, and is some of the hardest that this year has delivered.”Boolin Tunes

Tampa, FL self described “apocalyptic straight edge” outfit Contention are masters of a particularly devastating brand of metallic hardcore. Today, the band shares their debut full length Artillery From Heaven on DAZE. The new album pulverizes the listener with heavy hitting riffs, anguished vocals and blazing fast drums throughout 10 bone crushing tracks. Vintage ‘90s death metal guitar tones are cleverly mixed with metalcore and hardcore influences like Foundation and Arkangel to create a vibrant and violent sonic palette for the album. The lyrics speak to themes of isolation, societal disgust and an overall malaise about the condition of the modern world, delivered in appropriately somber and pissed off ways by vocalist Cosmo. The band has a self aware, almost absurdist take on their serious anti-drug message, with an entire song dedicated to, as the band puts it, “nuking our enemies from orbit…and straight edge” (“Nuclear Peace”) standing alongside more stark examinations of addiction like “In The Land of Nod” and “Chasm”.

Relating the overall message of the album and what audiences can expect live, singer Cosmo had this to say:

“Our live sets are a high energy and unapologetic rejection of drug culture. We don’t proselytize; our music speaks for itself. Ideally the audience walks away with only minor injuries.”

You can listen to Artillery From Heaven HERE and order it now through DAZE.

First formed in 2019, Contention released a three song promo that same year, and have gradually built their sound as a band ever since. 2021 saw the release of their first EP, Laying Waste to the Kingdom of Oblivion, followed by 2022’s Summer Offensive. As the band set out to create Artillery From Heaven, they headed in with a more focused and intense approach. Spending time over a span of months in the studio with John Howard at War House Studio (Casey Jones, Yashira) in Gainesville, FL, the various sessions led to their current album and its evolved take on the band’s hard hitting sound.

Contention has played shows across North America and Europe, including sharing the stage with acts like Magnitude, Inclination, and Mourning. The band has an east coast run set for early May surrounding the Ephyra showcase in Connecticut, full dates below.

Contention is Cosmo – vocals, Josh – guitar, Bayly -guitar, D’angelo – bass, Lucas – Drums.

Artillery From Heaven Tracklist:

1. Contention

2. ICBM (Artillery From Heaven)

3. Ousted From Eden ft. Broken Vow

4. Inflict My Will. ft. Inclination

5. Revenge Directive

6. Lobotomite Bliss

7. Faustian Machinations

8. Chasm

9. In The Land Of Nod

10. Nuclear Peace ft. Domain

Tour Dates:

Wednesday May 8 – Atlanta GA @ Ideal Sports Bar

Thursday May 9 – Roanoke VA @ Flying Panther Skate Shop

Friday May 10 – Philadelphia PA @ Lithuanian Club

Saturday May 11 – East Haven CT @ The Beeracks @ Ephyra Showcase

Sunday May 12 – Norfolk VA @ Chicho’s Backstage

Monday May 13 – Charlotte NC @ The Milestone Club