Photo Credit: John Gyllhamm Today SMASH INTO PIECES their brand new album ‘Ghost Code‘ and accompanying new track, ‘Afterglow‘. The band have announced a string of UK and EU dates at the end of this year. Kicking off 2024 with an explosive start and hit singles ‘Venom‘ and ‘Trigger‘, SMASH INTO PIECES also entered the running for Melodifestivalen in February and landed the No.1 public and jury spot taking them directly to the grand final with the single “Heroes Are Calling“, and will shortly embark on an extensive headline tour across the United States from April-June and a string a major festival appearances this Summer. ![]()
Photo Credit: Ilona Gerasymova
The Swedish cinematic rock phenomenon have captivated audiences worldwide since the launch of their acclaimed album ‘Rise And Shine‘ with the band’s enigmatic leader and apocalyptic drummer, APOC, at the helm. Passing over half a BILLION views and streams already worldwide, their meteoric rise reached a pinnacle in 2023 as they triumphed in the Swedish version of Eurovision, securing a spot in the finals and their chart-topping single ‘Six Feet Under‘ achieving platinum status within a mere 12 weeks, resonating widely across national radio stations. Now, SMASH INTO PIECES is poised to immerse audiences in the next chapter of their epic narrative, expanding upon their unique digital ARCADIA universe with the highly anticipated fourth season, unveiled through epic music videos and recent release of an animated children’s book. Redefining the boundaries of cinematic rock with captivating live performances and stadium-ready sound, their 7 week long recent UK/European headline tour with CYAN KICKS was a sell-out success – marking a year of unprecedented achievements for the foursome and a hint at what’s to come in 2024. |