Minor Holiday Releases Double Single – Out now on Lauren Records

Minor Holiday Releases Double Single 

Out now on Lauren Records


Lauren Records announced that they signed Minor Holiday, and are releasing a double single today to celebrate. Check out both songs now!

Listen/Post: “Times The Pain”

Listen/Post: “Seashore”

Minor Holidays is a band from San Francisco, CA defined by the simple idea that playing music is an act of celebration. Singer/guitarist Sam Robertson’s songs read like short stories. Using different lenses, Robertson attempts to untangle the ways in which we engage with the past as our lived experiences evolve. Each song is a patchwork of memories: snippets from errant nights stretched into days, accounts of anxiety attacks in empty classrooms, reminiscence on the simple pleasures of youth. Together these songs tell a larger story of self-reckoning, accountability, and above all else empathy. With the help of guitarist Neal Sharma, bassist Jon Drinnan, and drummer Jason Brownstein, the group blends elements of punk and nineties indie rock in a way that feels as at home on a mixtape as it does at a garage show full of good friends.

Members have played, or still play, in such bands as Ghostlimb, Joyride!, Forming, Fischer, Neal Sharma & The Sagebrush, Hey Hallways, Dad Punchers and too many more to bore our poor reader.

“Times the Pain” reflects on the ephemeral nature of DIY culture and the venues that many of us spent our youths haunting. These places can hold an almost monolithic place in our minds even though the physical spaces themselves cease to exist. What does it mean to you?

On Graceland, Paul Simon opines, “Losing love is like a window in your heart, everybody sees you’re blown apart. Everybody sees the wind blow.” So what does it feel like to find love? At your darkest moment love can pull you back into the light if you let it. Sometimes surrendering to pain is the only way through. This is what “Seashore” is about.

Listen / Instagram