Metal 2 The Masses / Semi Final One // Northern Ireland


Sunday night, yes you heard me right sister Sunday night in Voodoo Belfast and we have our first M2TM Semi-Final of 2023.

This year is flying in and before we know it May will be upon us and the final itself! #craycray

It’s a sticky night, muggy, and overcast and the temperature in Voodoo will drive the yokles wild!

Tonight we have four serious propositions in front of us as all bands made quite the impression during their respective heats. Up first we have Indominus, who tore Voodoo a new asshole just a few weeks ago and I can still smell the stench of their filthy brutal Djent-ridden modern metal in the air. As expected there was no let up on the absolute savagery from their heat, if anything they made sure to drive home that it was not a one-off. These guys are in it to win it and set up the night for all-out warfare. Well played. Murder on the dancefloor with a mosh pit and a wall of death, Sundays will never be the same again.

Acid Age are up next and as always deliver every time I see them, the technical prowess of this band separates them from most in the competition. As a three-piece, they are incredibly tight, and even with their own brand of chaos they bring to the stage, an Acid Age set is a rollercoaster ride with no brakes. 100 miles an hour shitting yer pantalones, whilst a wall of distortion crashes down upon you. Crazy beautiful as always, a joy to watch and the guys seem really focused this year to bring it in 2023.

R.P.C all the way from Cork are back I’m sure to their dismay! And this time their guitarist has been rebuilt like the 6 Euro man and for sure, their sound is a lot heftier with him back in the band. R.P.C’s angsty vibe is tenfold with the second guitar creating a brutal weight to their soundtrack and the Voodoo crowd are digging it. The mosh pit is back in full force and following the lead of their front man in his boxers I can see more naked flesh in the building than I need to see. I have to say R.P.C are a force to be reckoned with as a complete band, a savage performance from the crazy kids from Cork tonight has added an additional layer of confusion to the mix and with Gravepath still to play it’s a tough one to call. I do feel for the guy who had yer man’s sweaty ball sack on the back of his neck whilst carrying him around the floor! #fuckinriddled

Gravepath finishes off tonight’s line up and weirdly I can’t recall their last performance,  how I do not, I do not know, after witnessing their opening few tracks they have unleashed a barrage of sonic abuse that should be criminal. Much like Indominus and Acid Age, there is a wealth of experience in the band that shines through, a truly brutal sound that batters the Voodoo crowd on a Bloody Sunday no less, these poor sheeple have work in the morning and are going to go in wrecked! There is no let-up in a set that is relentlessly pummelling those who headbang before them, and you can see across the room just how well their set is going down.

All four bands have played an absolute blinder tonight, no-one came here to make up the numbers and any of these four bands would do the Norn Iron contingent proud at BOA23.

As it is, I woke up this morning to see Acid Age + Gravepath have progressed to the Final. Very well done! This was a seriously tough one to call, on paper you can look at a line-up and think you’ll know how it may play out, but not tonight. Four killer performances, and four powerful bands and everyone should be proud of their achievements.

As always a big thank you to James @ The Distortion Project for hosting + Voodoo Belfast for the craic.

There are two more Semi-Finals to go, on the 21st + 28th of April, be there or be square! I’ve been Mark, you’ve been lovely.


Photography: Mark McGrogan

@flashartmark #flashartmark




Bloodstock Metal 2 the Masses NI Semi-Final 2 is less than 7 days away and I’m pleased to announce that we’ve a guest headliner in the form of alt metal favourites @wordsthatburn

They’ll join competing bands @imperialdemonic, @insidious_void , @redmountainradio & @the_boat_sank on this fascinating line-up. Ticket link and stage times below.

🎟️ Tickets (£7.00):

Stage times will be:

Doors: 8.00pm – @voodoo_belfast

Band 1: 8.30 – 9.00
Band 2: 9.15 – 9.45
Band 3: 10.00 – 10.30
Band 4: 10.45 – 11.15
Words That Burn: 11.30 – 12.15

Running order will be drawn at random on the day of the show.

Voting will close at 11.15 and the results will be announced after Words That Burn’s set.