Today, March 10th, the magnificent US band MANCHESTER ORCHESTRA have released their new record The Valley of Vision, a record rooted in the higher powers of resilience, rebirth and self-redemption. After a prolonged period of grief and trauma that permeated the band’s previous LP and past several years together, this new release illustrates the journey of losing one’s mind and finding it again. Watch the full ‘Valley Of Vision’ film HERE or by clicking the image below: ![]()
All the songs on ‘The Valley of Vision,’ have been accompanied by a captivating cinematic experience, presented in the groundbreaking format of 180-degree, 3D virtual reality. Directed by Isaac Deitz – who shot the film over a solitary, year-long journey through snow storms in the Rocky Mountains, dark nights in the deep woods of Wyoming, creek beds in Manchester Orchestra’s native Georgia, and climates both scorching and freezing – the visual mirrors and enhances the album’s overarching themes of life and death, change and growth, forgiving oneself and letting go. “Experiencing the film in its intended 180-degree, 3D VR format feels like downloading a dream into your head,” says Deitz. “Each symbol represents a different experience nested in our internal worlds; it’s up to you whether you want to just enjoy them, or try to interpret what the dream means.” On the heels of four sold-out screening events in Los Angeles and New York City in recent weeks, Manchester Orchestra presented ‘The Valley of Vision’’s global premiere on their YouTube channel earlier today, and included the first-ever After Party that YouTube Music has ever done for a film premiere, where band members and co-producers Andy Hull and Robert McDowell will be joined by Isaac Deitz to discuss the making of ‘The Valley of Vision,’ in addition to answering questions from fans. ‘The Valley of Vision’ will also screen during SXSW, at The Carpenter Hotel’s Quonset Hut on Thursday, March 16 (12-4pm), and two sold-out shows at London’s Union Chapel on May 13th and 15th, following the band’s hometown return to Atlanta’s Shaky Knees on 5th May. From being the first musicians to work with filmmaking duo Daniels (Everything Everywhere All At Once, Swiss Army Man), to continually embracing emerging technologies over the course of their career, Manchester Orchestra have further pushed themselves into fascinating realms with every new release. While they recorded The Valley of Vision at a converted manor in Muscle Shoals, AL, none of the songs were written with the band being in the same room all together – something they have never done before. The process began in the summer of 2021, when Hull was looking through his suitcase for his lyric notebook, but instead found a 1975 book of Puritan prayers called The Valley of Vision, which his mom had gifted to him the previous Christmas. The title became a mantra that helped inspire the music, as the band almost completely abandoned the instruments it is used to, and treated each track like a science experiment that started from the bottom and was added to gradually over time. You can see ‘Manchester Orchestra Acoustic’ at the following dates:
13th May – Union Chapel, London – SOLD OUT
15th March – Union Chapel, London – SOLD OUT The Valley of Vision Tracklist
Capital Karma
The Way
Letting Go
Lose You Again
Rear View |