Hardcore-punk band Planet On A Chain announce new album, Culture Of Death, on Revelation Records

Hardcore-punk band Planet On A Chain announce new album, Culture Of Death, on Revelation Records

Share rapid lead single “Cocalero”

Photo Credit: Jules Wood

STREAM: “Cocalero”
PREORDER: Culture Of Death LP

Planet On A Chain, or POAC for the sake of brevity, is the confluence of members of some of the underground’s most dynamic and explosive hardcore and punk bands going back to the late ‘90s. Vocalist Dave Ackerman fronted New Jersey’s Tear It Up and Dead Nation, and is backed by members of Bay Area, CA, vets from bands like Dead and Gone, Punch, Look Back and Laugh, Talk Is Poison, and many, many more. Today the band announces Culture Of Death, their second full-length album set for release through longtime home to hardcore – Revelation Records – on April 5th. The record is comprised of twelve fast, raw, hardcore punk tracks that welcome freaks of all walks of life.

Single “Cocalero,” out today, clocks in at a swift one minute, eleven seconds, packing a serious sonic punch and subject matter.

As Ackerman states on the lyrics:

“I wrote this song after reading a book about the illegal gold trade in South America and the parallels to the cocaine trade. The coca leaf farmers live in poverty. They are under the thumb of the cocaine traffickers to grow the most they can, but also frequently the target of enforcement efforts. They receive the risks of the drug trade without the rewards.”

You can listen to “Cocalero” HERE and Culture Of Death is available for preorder now through Revelation Records.

With Planet On A Chain spread across Texas and California, the music for Culture Of Death was tracked, mixed and mastered with Jack Shirley at Atomic Garden (Paint It Black, Deafheaven) in Oakland, CA and vocals where done in Austin, TX with John Petris at Come and Track It studios. The album follows POAC’s 2022 compilation Deprogram and 2023’s Boxed In, building on their urgent and impactful sound. Culture Of Death is hardcore music played by true lifers who never dropped out and returned only to relive past glory, who have continued to push their own creativity and capabilities for multiple decades. It is hardcore music delivered in the early scene’s spirit of playing punk music as fast as humanly possible but with eyes kept firmly on the present and future.

Planet On A Chain is Dave (vocals), Brian (guitar), Tobia (bass), Mose (drums), and Al (guitar).

Culture Of Death Tracklist:

1. We All Fall

2. Invalidation

3. Culture Of Death

4. What You Fear

5. Kingsnake

6. About To End

7. Cocalero

8. Buried In A Lie

9. Whole

10. Single Use

11. Ready To Strike

12. Nothing Left

Upcoming Shows (venues TBA):

4/5 Corvallis, OR

4/6 Portland, OR

4/7 Tacoma, WA

6/13 Hamburg, DE

6/15 Leipzig, DE

6/16 Burghausen, DE

6/17 Prague, CZ

6/18 Bochum, DE

6/19 Paris, FR

6/20 Nantes, FR

6/21 Toulouse, FR

6/22 Barcelona, SP