Californian old school death metal veterans Decayed Existence return with new album The Beginning Of Sorrows


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It’s been more than six years since Decayed Existence, California’s purveyors of old school sounds from the grave, released their well received Eulogy EP. That’s a long time to go without a new serving of those patented Decayed Existence riffs – those serrated sonic weapons that can carve their way into your brain with just a single listen, take up permanent residence in your temporal lobe and refuse to be displaced. Thankfully the wait for more of their particular brand of rot and devastation is now over, as the band have returned with a full length album that will slam them straight back into the spotlight. The Beginning Of Sorrows features eight monstrous tracks that reek of the putrefying essence of real death metal!


Since they began at the dawn of the ‘90s, Decayed Existence have been

synonymous with the crafting of irresistible death metal riffing and that has never been truer than on The Beginning Of Sorrows. Tracks like ‘Baptized’ and ‘Beheading The Colossus’ are riddled with hooks and steeped in the infectious song craft and rhythm patterns that made the classic early Death albums so addictive. Brilliant ascending solos add a rich vein of melody to the pulverizing attack and the raw power vocals of drummer/singer and band lynchpin Harry Rocco complete the incendiary, ferocious atmosphere. The final three tracks on The Beginning Of Sorrows were recorded live and they provide an exhilarating, explosive conclusion to this magnificent return to action. ‘Conqueror Of Flesh’, ‘Where Death Dies’ and the towering ‘Detonation’ are all vying for the title of greatest Decayed Existence song ever recorded. Now in their fourth decade as a band, Decayed Existence are hitting new peaks of performance and scouring new abyssal depths of supreme heaviness.

Produced by Andrew Giordanengo (studio tracks) and Jake Ottinger (live tracks), The Beginning Of Sorrows sounds just as raw, bloody and imposing as it should. When Rottweiler Records unleash this beast on October 11th Decayed Existence will return to the field of conflict like an unstoppable death metal war machine!

Find out more about Decayed Existence here
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Visit Rottweiler Records here
Visit Rottweiler Records on Bandcamp


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