Black Dog Moon Release Their Debut Album & Single ‘Troll’ – (Irish Classic/Blues Rock)

Black Dog Moon are the culmination of the long and storied career of Conal Montgomery. A 5 piece blues-infused rock and roll band that proudly wear their influences on the backs of their denim jackets but bring their own unmistakable swagger and perspective to their sound. It’s this inimitable growl that we hear across the 9 tracks of their self-titled debut album, out today! While the distortion might be dimed to 11 on the majority of the album, the honest and vulnerable lyrics of Conal give the songs a depth and emotional resonance that help the band stand out amongst their contemporaries.

Formed in wake of Conal’s previous band Sweetleaf, who clocked in thousands of miles touring Ireland and the UK, playing with the legendary Motorhead and Eric Bell (Thin Lizzy) along the way. Black Moon Dog emerge as a fully realised band, with an ambitious debut album to introduce themselves to the world. Musically the album is characterised by riffing dualling guitars, rumbling bass, thunderous drums all given voice to by the soaring melodies provided by Conal.

The Free Wind opens the album, instantly setting the tone for the rest of the album. The high gain guitars of Daniel Martin and Dylan Kelly provide riff after riff, trading licks while propelled by Stevie Glackin’s stadium sized drum sound. Stand is a broodier affair that speaks of the frustration felt at the state of current world affairs, building to a crescendo that feels cathartic, reflecting the frustration expressed in the lyrics. The Moment gallops out of the stalls underpinned by Nicky Browns bass, with a chorus that feels like the first light after the darkest night, this doesn’t come as a coincidence given the lyrical subject matter. Showing they’re no one trick pony, the band slow the tempo on Summertime on Easy Street. The titular track and band namesake ‘Black Dog Moon’ serves as a warning, perhaps as the band do themselves! A rousing fists in the air track that blends the drama with distortion, a suitable track to act as the bands calling card. ‘River Maiden’ is driven by an wailing wah pedal guitar part, that gives way to an anthemic chorus, pulling the fists and lighters into the air once again. ’Rainy Nights in Belfast’ truly changes gear, going fully acoustic and showcasing the full range of Conal’s vocals. It’s a love letter to the city, seeing the good that courses through the streets and the true heart of Belfast.

Lead single ‘Troll’ blends a Sabbath-esque riff with a swampy rhythm to provide maximum thump as the track seems to climb higher and higher. A blistering lead guitar unleashes a flurry of notes while the band push on like Godzilla walking through Tokyo. Lyrically the track turns a negative into a positive, inviting a troubled individual to seek help as opposed to give into more destructive tendencies.

Final track ‘Mr Trauma’ closes proceedings in full rock glory, with the band firing on all cylinders from the outset. Juxtaposing a euphoric up-tempo track with darker lyrics that ultimately find salvation. In truth this is the encapsulation of the album, the lyrics are littered with references to addiction and the heavy baggage that accompanies such an affliction. The effects of others around you, depression and behaviours that are miles from your centre point. With Conal having found sobriety almost 9 years ago, it’s given a new vantage point looking back but not a rose tinted one, with a bright view forward. The duality is felt across the 9 tracks and provides additional weight the music as demons are expunged and the band act as a vessel to put these traumas and turn them into something grand and positive.

 Live Dates:

Saturday 6 July Dundrum Festival 

Friday 19 July Album Launch Pavilion Belfast 

Saturday 3 August Harley Davidson Belfast Annual Rally (Headlining) 2nd year running at Burrendale Hotel Newcastle 

Saturday 10 August Headlining The Corner Stone Fest at Sunflower Cottage Annacloy 

Friday 23 August Hilden Beer Festival Lisburn

Saturday 24 Magnus Barelegs Viking Festival Delamont Country Park Killyleagh 

Saturday 9 November The Diamond Rock Club Ahoghill 

Saturday 16 November Enler Delta Blues Club Comber