Photo Credit: Vic Payne 

Today, alternative rockers AMONGST LIARS are continuing to shine a spotlight on Mental Health Awareness with a hauntingly personal piano version of their latest single ‘Vice‘. As ambassadors for Metal for Good, the track explores mental health, depression, and the catastrophic affects of long-covid, with all proceeds of the stripped back version going to Mind Charity. 

Watch the music video to ‘Vice (Piano Version)’ here.
Pre-order and save By Design here.

Details on how to download, stream, and contribute to proceeds can be found here:

AMONGST LIARS – ‘Vice (Piano Version)’
On the single’s lyrical themes and meaning, vocalist Ian George comments:
“Back in late summer 2024, I was going through a very tough time mentally after a combination of Long Covid and a toxic work situation completely turned my life upside down and I experienced severe and debilitating depression and paranoia. Listening to bands like Shinedown and Bring Me The Horizon, who spread hope through their music, and writing the lyrics to and recording this song ‘Vice’ – helped me immensely to come to terms with life again and I was also lucky enough to get love and support and help to get my strength and back on track. “Others aren’t so lucky with recognising and fighting their demons, so it is really important to both reach out and get support if you need it, but also learn to recognise signs when someone you know might be struggling.”
Single Artwork 

AMONGST LIARS toured in autumn 2023 supporting Theory of a Deadman across the UK and have just come off a very successful 3000 mile 15 day French tour in February 2024 supporting Ayron Jones. A July UK tour with some HMV in-stores is currently being finalised around the launch of Design and more support tours are being worked on for autumn 2024.

“Lyrically, the album is about metamorphosis and rebirth – it is themed around a lot of the issues we have experienced over the last year since our debut album,” explains Ian George. “Personally there have been relationship issues, our bass player Ross has beaten stage two cancer and I have been dealing with a lot of issues around having long covid, resulting in severe fatigue and very up and down bouts with depression. But the album is using this as catharsis-about facing these problems, growing as people and finding positivity amongst the chaos of modern life. There is commentary on the current climate in the UK with songs such as ‘The Shameful’, ‘No Control’ and ‘Wolf Machine’, with the political climate getting increasingly worse and people more and more disheartened.There are songs about overcoming mental health and adversity with songs like ‘Mind’, ‘Vice’, ‘By Design’ and ‘Say’. And songs about standing up to bulling and toxic behaviour with ‘You Are Not a Slave’. We are also aiming to diversify as much as possible with alternative versions of these songs and have done a stripped back piano version of ‘Vice’ and are working on collaborations with other artists too.”

As well as announcing a ‘fan special’ with the band travelling around the UK to visit fans and deliver albums/play acoustic tracks in people’s homes in late June, AMONGST LIARS have just announced gigging activity across the album. Other live shows include:

18th May – The Venue, Brighton – The Alternative Escape
4th July – Temple Bar, Eastbourne
11th July – Instore acoustic, HMV Leicester
11th July – Firebug, Leicester
12th July – Corporation, Sheffield
13th July – Gullivers, Manchester
18th July – Face Bar, Reading
19th July – Instore acoustic, HMV Cardiff
19th July – Fuel, Cardiff
20th July – Giffard Arms, Wolverhampton

Ticket link:

Album Artwork Track Listing:
1. Prelude
2. Ready For This? 
3. You Are Not a Slave
4. By Design
5. The Shameful
6. Mind
7. Vice
8. No Control
9. Alibi
10. Say
11. Wolf Machine
A tight powerhouse of a band; urgent, questioning, loud and fierce. Together they play heavy and direct modern rock ’n’ roll: massive riffs and powerful, melodic choruses, fuzzy guitar, pummelling drums and bass, pin-balling between heavy alternative rock, grunge and punk. They also have a lyricist who can’t help but use his band as a platform to air anxieties and raise questions about the world we live in. Debut self-titled album was released in July 2022 to critical acclaim and ‘You Are Not a Slave’ is the fourth release from their sophomore album Design, scheduled for release on 4th July 2024. Earlier single from Design called ‘The Shameful’ was selected as Metal Hammer’s Track of the Week.

Band Members:
Ian George – vocals
Leo Burdett – guitars
Adam Oarton – drums
Ross Towner – bass
James Brumeo – keys

Social Media:
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