MICROWAVE have released emotive new single ‘‘Ferrari’ on Pure Noise Records. “Ferrari is about coming to terms with your fears and not allowing them to dictate how you act. It’s relaxing your grip on things and taking care of yourself. We were listening to a lot of Spirit of the Beehive, Big Thief, Sorry, Foxing and Frank Ocean while working on it, which speaks to the moody, chill, trippy, Neo-soul vibe we were going for.” says the band Listen to the track HERE ![]()
Microwave are headed out on the road later this month for a headliner run before heading to the UK with label mates Can’t Swim. Full dates below. US Headliner w/ support from Oso Oso, Delta Sleep & Mothe 23-March Racket, New York
24-March Music Hall of Williamsburg Brooklyn NY
25-March Union Transfer Philadelphia PA
26-March Royale Boston MA
28-March Axis Toronto ON
30-March El Club Detroit MI
31-March Skully’s Columbus OH
1-April Bottom Lounge Chicago IL
3-April Gothic Theatre Denver CO
5-April Soundwell Salt Lake City UT
7-April El Corazon Seattle WA
8-April Hawthorne Theatre Portland OR
10-April Great American Music Hall San Francisco CA
11-April El Rey Los Angeles CA
12-April The Nile Theatre Mesa AZ
14-April Paper Tiger San Antonio TX
15-April Trees Dallas TX
17-April The Beacham Orlando FL
18-April The Senate Columbia SC
19-April Amos Southend Charlotte NC
21-April Eastside Bowl Nashville TN
22-April The Masquerade Atlanta GA The band will also be heading to the UK in the Summer for a Co-Headline with Can’t Swim,
support from Jetski 30-June – Joiners -Southhampton
1-July – Deaf Institute – Manchester
2-July – King Tut’s – Glasgow
3-July – The Cluny2 – Newcastle
4-July – The Key Club – Leeds
5-July – Underworld – London They will also appear at 2000trees festival 2023 |