6FLOW perfectly encapsulates the bands distinctive nu-trap sound. In between the songs massive rock choruses, front man Milly raps about his life and its uncertainties – “its about the changing of the times. Life’s been a rollercoaster. Ive been through things that made me think Id never seen a future like this.” GOLD TOOTH GURU, is full of crunchy, buzzsaw guitar attacks, plate-shifting breakdowns, trap beats, and 808 grooves. Keeping on top of it all, lead vocalist Milly oscillates effortlessly between raw, untamed bellows and spitting head spinning bars of complex rhyme, while Neeco comes correct with a whiskey-soaked throat that is shaded with as much Nashville as it is ’90s Seattle. Spend just a couple of minute with the HH “mob” and you’ll be want to namedrop everyone from Meshuggah, Korn and Linkin Park to Kendrick, $uicideboy$, and Post Malone. Milly notes that their hometown functions like a sixth member of the band due to the way the region and culture factor into their sound, stating, “Louisiana plays a heavy role into our sound and direction of the album — it’s like a huge melting pot down here, different music everywhere you turn. Rap and metal are big here especially. We never wanted to box ourselves in with trying to be a certain type of band and only make one type of music.”
The same applies to the subject matter and lyrical content. Milly continues, “Our surroundings play a big part in the content. It may be out of the ordinary compared to most bands, but it’s all we’ve known. It’s everything we’ve been brought up seeing and living through — it’s not just Mardi Gras and voodoo down here, it can be a real warzone. The main themes are unity, determination, and staying true to yourself no matter what you go through. Hard times make strong people but sometimes those hard times feel like it’s all you can see in front of you. Life for young people like us is constant highs and lows, and this album is sort of our way of navigating through it all.” |