Holding Absence // The Noble Art Of Self Destruction Tour // w/ Lizzy Farrall // Archives // Live Review // The Limelight // Belfast

The pace of the local live scene for Rock & Metal has slowed down over the past few weeks, so I’ve had a welcome breather from the gigs – a wee week off has been good for the soul, what have I been up to you ask? DIY-ing like a mother fucker! Painting, painting and painting some more! So tonight’s gig is a welcome step back from that and back into the familiar surroundings of The Limelight in Belfast.

Tonight we have UK Modern Metal specialists Holding Absence gracing our city, a band I have yet to experience in the flesh so I am looking forward to this one, in tow the loverly Lizzy Farrall whom I have been pushing out press for over the years and tonight once again is my first time catching Lizzy in the flesh. Alongside both bands, we have local heroes Archives, one of Northern Ireland’s finest Metalcore bands who have been forging a reputation for themselves over the last few years putting out consistently savage recordings and garnering a real following on the local scene.

Doors are at 6:30 this evening and Archives hit the stage at 7 pm so a quick turnaround for anyone who has been working “for the man” today to get their ass in gear and into town for this killer lineup. Archives having just released their latest offering “No Bliss In Ignorance” have been upping their game over the last few years attracting attention far and wide within the metal community and its no surprise as these guys have really honed in on their sound, grafting, hitting the road and counting up the miles playing shows across the UK building up on an already solid reputation you can see it pay off in a savage and hard hitting set this evening. A few songs in and as I turn around the crowd has swarmed the stage, clambering to get up front and catch these guys up close and personal, their brand of brutality is going down well with the Belfast crowd, heads far and wide are banging, the performance is visceral, guttural growls, wailing screams and lyrics spat out like bullets, you barely have time to catch your breath between songs, the bodies are flying across the floor as expected and the Limelight is in a frenzy! No better way to kick off your weekend! By the closing track, the arms are waving in the air and the band is conducting the audience like a well-oiled machine! A great set perfectly executed! The local metal scene is in good hands.




Up next Lizzy Farrall, as mentioned before an artist known to me and covered by the team many’s a time in the UK whilst she worked her magic on tours across the UK. Sometimes catching an artist like Lizzy in the flesh catches you unaware, she has a far more easy-on-the-ear melodic approach than a lot of the bands you’ll catch coming through here and of course a deviation from the brutality of Archives, she has a feel-good vibe about her music, something you can shake your ass too as Lizzy does throughout with a smile beaming the whole set.

Her sound has a blend of electronica and alt-pop-alt-rock with this great vibe to it that you cannot but enjoy! Lizzy herself takes time to thank everyone for coming out and showing her some love, tonight she’s performing as part of a trio, with a drummer laying down a glorious groove and her guitarist thickening up the sound as Lizzy dancers the night away magnetic as she spits out lyrics at will.

The crowd are mesmerised as her emotive and highly charged songwriting ensures all eyes are transfixed on the stage. I can’t help but imagine for any young ladies in the crowd who would love to follow in the footsteps of the loverly Lizzy that it must be quite empowering to watch a young lady such as Lizzy command the stage in the way she does, I guess we can take it for granted when we see dudes doing their thing but for a young lady to look as comfortable, confident and in control is mighty impressive! She’ll no doubt win over an army of fans this evening with such a controlled and measured performance.I can only imagine if I was a young lass looking up at that stage watching Lizzy work her magic it would hard not be impressed and inspired, inspiration on tap this evening for sure! It was great to finally catch Lizzy live and I am sure after her warm welcome I am sure she will be back sooner rather than later.




Another quick turn-around and the stage is cleared once again for tonights headliners, the most noticeable absence thus far is the lack of gear on stage, it’s all digital, no cabs, monitors are even at a minimum as the guys and doll’s are using in ear monitiors, so the stage looks a little sterile for an old timer like me used to 4×12 Marshall’s staring you donw but these seems to be the way of these days with younger bands growing up using digital setups and I guess the reality of touring these days and the practicality it offers with a smaller footprints for bands popping across from the mainland or further afield im sure. But one things is that is doesnt not detract from the quality of musicianship, performances or energy in the room, so lets do this!

As the lights dimmed and the ambient intro track faded, the palpable buzz of anticipation in The Limelight in Belfast reached its peak. Holding Absence, the rising stars of the UK rock scene, were about to take the stage, and the packed crowd was ready for an unforgettable night.

From the moment the band launched into their opening track, “Like A Shadow” it was clear that Holding Absence had every intention of making this a night to remember. Frontman Lucas Woodland’s soaring vocals immediately captivated the audience, his emotive delivery perfectly complemented by the band’s tight musicianship. The crowd responded with an eruption of energy, singing along passionately and setting the tone for the rest of the evening, one thing that was obvious was Woodland’s explosive energy as a frontman, like a caged animal unleashed into the wild he was bounding across the stage every chance he could, his energy was addictive and the crowd responded in kind as he somehow managed to deliver soaring vocals all whilst setting the stage alight!

The setlist was a well-crafted journey through the band’s discography, blending tracks from their self-titled debut and their critically acclaimed follow-up, “The Greatest Mistake of My Life.” Highlights included “In Circles,” where Scott Carey’s melodic guitar work shone brightly, and “Gravity” which had the entire venue moving as one. The emotional weight of “Coffin” brought a hush over the crowd, with Woodland’s voice breaking through the silence, creating a powerful and intimate moment.

One of the standout aspects of Holding Absence’s performance was their connection with the audience. Woodland frequently engaged with the crowd, expressing genuine gratitude for their support and sharing personal stories behind the songs. This rapport created an inclusive atmosphere, making everyone feel like part of something special. The band’s chemistry was undeniable, and it translated into a dynamic stage presence that kept the audience hooked from start to finish.

As the set drew to a close, the band saved some of their most powerful songs for last. “A Crooked Melody” had the crowd in a frenzy, with mosh pits forming and fans screaming every word, a cathartic release, with the audience’s voices echoing throughout The Limelight long after the band had left the stage.

To wrap up and expectional performance Holding Absence obliged with a two-song encore that included “Afterlife” and the fan-favorite “The Angel In The Marble.” The band’s energy never waned, and they gave their all until the very last note. As the final chords rang out, the applause was thunderous, and it was clear that Holding Absence had left an indelible mark on Belfast.

Holding Absence’s performance at The Limelight was a masterclass in modern rock. Their ability to blend raw emotion with impeccable musicianship, coupled with their connection to the audience, made for a truly unforgettable night. For those who witnessed it, this show was more than just a concert – it was an opportunity that showcased the ability of music to bring people together, Belfast celebrated the pleasure of Holding Absence’s company for the evening and when the lights came back on and the sweaty bodies made their way back out onto the Belfast streets on a cool summer’s evening all was good again in the world. What a way to start the weekend.

Photography: Mark McGrogan 

@flashartmark #flashartmark @rocknload
