This is the last chance saloon for the remaining bands in tonight’s third and final semi that offers that Willy Wonka-esque “Golden Ticket” into the Bloodstock Open Air Festival 2022. 

This one is going to be messy, blistering rockers Divides Unfold, Doom laden groove merchants Gravity Well, Black Metal merchants Insidious Void, Heavy Metal Maestros Nomadus and balls out Stoner/Doom Punk rockers Pure Sonic Outcasts, it’s a  spicy lineup. Spank my ass and call me Charlie, I couldn’t call this one if I tried. 

It is hard to believe that we are almost there, the finishing line is in sight and for two bands this evening another crack at the whip lies ahead, as always the sheeple is out in force to support their brothers & sister in arms as they once again step out onto the brink and ready themselves for the fight of their lives. All in the best possible taste of course! 

Let’s do this!

Insidious Void is up first, the blackest death grooves laid down for the early kickoff and the loitering Voodoo faithful who lap it up as it comes, hefty riffs are the name of the game and tonight’s game is complete and utter brutality. A savage set from start to finish! They clearly want to make a statement and they have done that and then some. A behemoth effort and a seriously intense set remind everyone why they’re worthy of their place in tonight’s semi-final. 

Nomadus step up next, the guys have really taken the bull by the horns since their arrival back in 2019 in their first-ever gig in the heat of M2TM – what a way to announce your arrival on the scene … since then, the guys have worked hard to nail down their sound, new arrivals in the band have tightened that up and now they are an absolute beast of a Quartet – could 2022 be their year? There is plenty of Nomadus t-shirt wearing sheeple in the crowd tonight so as always they have support, a gnarly and hard-hitting set seems to have gone down well this evening – Jaysus how do you call it! 

Gravity Well take to the stage next to bring their groove-laden doom to the voodoo massive, they do like a bit o’ doom here the eternal optimists that they are, so it’ll go down well and I get a feeling from the crowd that they too have a faithful following in the room. As before Gravity Well lay down a solid set with vocalist Finn soaring above the booming groves shaking the voodoo floor. As one punter says, their set is beautifully orchestrated so that it builds up beautifully into a crescendo, is he right, is he drunk? Will the people on the floor get that message? We will find out soon enough. 

Pure Sonic Outcasts continues with the heavy groove-laden doom/stoner vibe with laboured riffs, dark emotive songwriting and tense soundscapes that push and pull you through their set, it will be interesting to see how the two contrasting bands fair against each other. They have the crowd chanting along when asked so the crowd is digging it, a blend of instrumental led tracks with vocals overlaying, they have a very different vibe from the other bands on the bill so it will be interesting to see how the voting goes in response.

The night wraps up with heavy-hitting modern metal quartet Divides Unfold, these guys have been so consistent every time I have seen them over the past few years, going from strength to strength solidifying an already cohesive sound which they honed in on very early, one which has served them well and will do moving forward with four hungry guys really digging in and pulling out all the stops every time they play, the noise in the room when every song ends says it all, these guys are getting the recognition they deserve and building a fanbase worthy of their music. It’s all down to the voting from here on in and it’s out of the band’s hands.

Another cracking night of music all courtesy of the fine people at Voodoo Belfast, James at The Distortion Project and all the cool kids at Metal For Life for keeping everyone’s shit together at the heats with the passion overflowing left, right and centre!


You’ve been lovely, I’ve been Mark – Feel free to use any images on your socials just tag @rocknloadmag #rocknloadmag 



James @ The Distortion Project says:

After 5 incredible Heats and 3 fantastic semi-finals, I’m delighted to be able to present the details on this year’s Bloodstock Festival Metal 2 the Masses NI Grand Final. Turn-outs have been off the scale and it’s been amazing to see so many people at these shows. Bloodstock are sending their representative and top bloke Simon Hall to pick the winner so lets show him what we got and fill the place ones again!

🎟 Ticket link:


Blurred Reality // Divides Unfold // Dynastyrnr// Haint // Nømadus // Survivalist

Friday 6th May
Voodoo Belfast

Running order will be drawn at random on the day. Full details in the event tab below.

Bloodstock Metal 2 the Masses NI – THE GRAND FINAL!! Friday 6th May “22. Voodoo