Bloodstock Open Air Festival // Metal 2 The Masses // Heat 5 // Northern Ireland

Bloodstock Open Air Festival // Metal 2 The Masses // Northern Ireland // Heat 5 // Voodoo // Belfast

It’s Friday night, we’re back in Belfast and that can only mean one thing! M2TM baby!

Yes, somehow, we have already made it to Heat 5, and we have the semi’s in sight. Tonight brings up two fresh faces and two bands we have experienced before through the competition. Although one of the four is an extension/reincarnation of another band we have seen before, you know what I mean. Tonight, Matthew, I am going to be mildly curious!

Today was a good day, blue skies but a tad Baltic, great to see, but Fridays are about one thing and one thing only, Metal in Voodoo, capturing some of the best talent this Island has to offer from the up and coming metalheads. First, we have Canabalised Seaguls, a groove metal band that is as quicky as they are heavy. It is a young band that lives forthick-soundingg guitar tones, hefty riffs, and unadulterated chaos. Some tasty riffs are being kayed down that you can get into, and the lunatics have taken over the asylum and are making it their own up front, bodies are flying, I see sword fights and what I think is a green horse’s head! Or maybe I need to lie down, it’s been a long day. Regardless, fun is being had and only in contrast. Country To Country is kicking off at the SSE Arena, and I bet they don’t have swordfights!

Up next, we have The New Normal, a band new to me but who have been busy laying down tracks and building up a healthy fan base locally. One of the few female-fronted bands in the competition, along with Arc Dakota.

As their bio says, they’re loud, Catchy and play everything twice as fast as they should! And they’re not wrong; every track is a fast and furious pace, leaving their vocalist spitting out lyrics like bullets. It’s a glorious punk-rock cacophony, thunderous bass, slamming guitars and furious action behind on the drums. A different vibe from what we are used to seeing at the M2TM competition and that in itself is a great thing, theres a lot going on here, the guitarist is wearing Metallica t-shirt, the drummer,  a Misfits t-shirt, the lead singer is in a dress and the bassist in Leiderhosen like he’s just come from a shift at Oktoberfest! But listen, it’s about the music, and they have a sound and vibe all their own and one that kicks ass! Catch them if you can.

Next, we have From Ruins, back with a bang for 2025 and big plans on the horizon. M2TM has always been a gateway for the guys to get their feet back in the local scene after a long absence, rebranding and now new music, feel and heft from a seriously tight progressive metal band. The grooves are huge, banging actually and hit hard! The vocals against the thick layered sound work well; the nuance and delivery just lets you know these guys are further down the road than the young whipper snappers of Canibalised Seagulls as an example. The band constantly challenge you as a spectator, wondering where the next twist in the song will go. A killer ending to the set as the band builds to a crescendo- that’s how you fucking do it!

Last but not least, Dirty Casuals, our old friend from RTC (I think?) is back with a new project. They start as a bit of a slow burner, a stoner/doom instrumental vibe before picking up the pace and unleashing the gnarly stuff. Very much in the vein of our very own The Boat Sank, these guys lay down hefty, gargantuan-sized riffage. As a solid trio, they created a sonic landscape that will leave you quaking in your boots! A total departure from the original band he brought to M2TM. I think there may be legs in this one. The sound is raw and unforgiving, a brutal, savage attack on the senses for sure but an entertaining one at that. As per RTC vibes, he’s on the floor mixing it up with the sheeple of Voodoo, topless once again as is the bassis., they lay waste to a closing set that does make an impression on the Voodoo crowd.

So that’s it, 5 heats done, the semi-finals are shaping up nicely, and we only have a few more opportunities for those who have been lucky enough tocutt to dig deep, pull one out of the bag and own their next performance in the competition. There is a lot at stake: a place on the stage at one of the best UK metal festivals around. Don’tt have any regrets when you leave that stage next time you play.

Congratulations to From Ruins and Dirty Casuals on qualifying from last night’s Metal 2 the Masses. NI Heat 5. The 6th and final heat ahead of the semi-finals is this Friday, 21st March. Please come out and support your local bands and local music, the industry is a cluster at the moment, and we need people at venues, packing them out and making a stand for local artists and venues alike to keep this all going. Be there or be square!



🎟 Ticket link:


The Distortion Project proudly presents Heat SIX of the 2025 Metal 2 the Masses competition Northern Ireland. Bands will be competing to secure a coveted slot on the New Blood Stage at Bloodstock 2025 this year alongside such heavyweight as Trivium, Gojira, Orange Goblin, Machine Head, Emperor, Ministry, Lord of the Lost and more. In addition, the winning band will have their travel expenses covered up to the value of £400.

Competing in Heat Six we have.

Crude Vernacular
“Mr Wang” (live sessions 2024):

Eighty Four
“Dead on Arrival” 2016 version.:


“Risen” audio:

Friday 21st March 2024
Voodoo Belfast
Doors 8.00pm

Admission: £7.00 + bf (includes 1 voting slip – tickets and pay on the door – cash and card accepted)

Stage times will be:

Band 1: 8.45 – 9.15
Band 2: 9.30 – 10.00
Band 3: 10.15 – 10.45
Band 4: 11.00 – 11.30

Running order will be drawn at random on the day of the show.
Voting will close at 11.45 and the results will be announced between 12.15 and 12.30..


2 bands from each heat will qualify for the semi-finals, and the judging will be 50% audience vote and 50% judges vote. There will be a panel of between 3 and 5 judges comprised of local journalists/sound engineers/other promoters and/or other music industry folk in Northern Ireland. Punters will be given voting slips as they enter the venue and asked to score points to the bands in descending order, by writing in the boxes on the voting slip.

4 points for the band you want to finish in FIRST PLACE,
3 points for the band you want to finish in SECOND PLACE
2 points for the band you want to finish in THIRD PLACE
1 point for the band you want to finish in FOURTH PLACE

An x or tick beside the band you want to win to will NOT be accepted and these votes will NOT be counted!!
Good luck to all involved and let battle commence!!