It’s Friday morning and instead of being at work we’re here, in a field, at Bloodstock! To get us started this morning, we have the Welsh female trio Häxan. These women sure pack a punch with their brand of hard rock and a rather full Sophie Tent proves that they have quite the following too. Despite the small size of the band, they don’t let the size of the stage drown them and they stand strong holding the crowd’s attention who are eager to buy what these guys are selling.
Next up are the enthusiastic hardcore Burner. Bouncing around the stage like the Duracell bunny, this is a band ready to give a performance and feel the music they are playing. From the speedy screeching riffs to the driving beats, there is no slowing these guys down. Even during the slower sections of their set, it’s all a build-up to hit that drop and go full force once more. The crowd gathered in the tent are ready to rock hard with these guys though and everyone is certainly more awake after watching this band give us their all.
Even though the main stage has pulled most of the crowd for Nervosa, over here we have a good size crowd for DeathCollector. The Covid born death metal band have made quite the name for themselves and their live performance shows that they are so much more than a studio band. From the gruff screaming vocals to the intense riffs and beats, these guys know how to grab your attention as proven by the people being pulled into the tent as they walk by.
Up next are the 5-piece progressive metalcore band Exist Immortal. These guys certainly weren’t what I was expecting when I headed over, but I was pleasantly surprised with them. Less heavy than many of the bands we’ve seen so far, these guys certainly have more of a pop punk influence that is amped up with heavier melodies and a strong back beat. They also aren’t afraid to mix things up and drop the beat to a more traditional metalcore sound with guest vocalists providing the deeper growls. It’s clear that they very much are a stage band as they interact with the crowd getting them to jump, fist pump, arm wave and open a pit. Exist Immortal are certainly one of those hidden gems of a band that festival weekends are made of.