BLACKTOOTHED SHARE VIDEO FOR NEW SINGLE “CARRIED AWAY” — WATCHIn the newest musical offering from blacktoothed, listeners are taken on a poignant journey through the highs and lows of chasing after one’s dreams. The new single, titled “Carried Away,” magnificently intertwines melodic grace with profound lyrics. Watch the video here. “Carried Away” eloquently expresses the dichotomy of time — a force that both propels dreams forward and serves as a reminder of the hurdles that yet lay ahead. Each note and each lyric invites listeners into a world where passion meets obstacle, and dreams are both a source of inspiration and a wellspring of tumultuous emotions. In the haunting refrains of “Carried Away,” blacktoothed provide not just a melody, but an empathetic voice to the silent struggles that echo in the hearts of dreamers worldwide. “Ladies and gentlemen, whilst listening to our latest release, let yourself get carried away by the highest note ever to come out of the vocal chords of a male person at Sawdust Recordings, according to our dear producer Christoph Wieczorek. Damn, [singer] Henni was hitting that G on the last chorus note like a pro,” says guitarist Mathilde. Stream “Carried Away” here. The band’s latest album JULI was created in collaboration with the producing team of Sawdust Recordings (Christoph Wieczorek + Julian Breucker) and shows that blacktoothed have narrowed their sound and found their musical style. Stream or download JULI here. BLACKTOOTHED ARE:
Hendrik | Vocals
Mathilde | Guitar
David | Drums |