North Sea Echoes, the duo helmed by Fates Warning members Ray Alder and Jim Matheos, has released another single from their newly released debut album, ’Really Good Terrible Things‘. Fans can check out the record‘s fourth single, “Throwing Stones”, along with an accompanying animated video HERE:
On “Throwing Stones”, Alder shares, “This is a strange one. Some people have a fear of happiness. They feel that something painful always follows pleasure. So they‘re sort of locked into this world where they try to feel nothing. It‘s called Cherophobia.”
What press is saying about ’Really Good Terrible Things‘
“[Really Good Terrible Things] sounds more like the start of something thrillingly fresh and vital than the next chapter in a long-established, collaborative saga. A triumph for tenderness and finesse…“ – Blabbermouth
“a force of nature in its own right, and is worthy of repeated listens from metalheads and non-metalheads alike.” – Sonic Perspectives
“wisdom and authenticity really shine here.” – The PROG Mind
“an album that rewards multiple listens and opens up new sonic moods and territories.”
– Cryptic Rock
“neither good nor terrible. These songs are really great things.” – Progressive Music Planet