Sadly Ukrainian band 1914 had to cancel Inferno Metal Festival in 2022 as their homeland was invaded by Russia. Now 1914 have been appointed “cultural ambassadors for Ukraine”  and with special permission from the Ukrainian government the band is allowed to leave Ukraine and do the gig at Inferno Metal Festival 2023. We are looking forward to have this amazing band with us on Norwegian soil for the very first time!

“The war changes the rules and destroys everything that was created for many years. Imperialistic ambitions of fucking dictators force people to leave their homes, go to war, sit in the trenches and die. And while our soldiers are on the frontlines destroying the enemy, our front is cultural. Our front is truth, spreading the message. We received a legal permission from our government to become cultural ambassadors of Ukraine in the world, to speak out to the whole Europe about this horrible war that will affect everyone.”
– 1914
Ukrainian blackened death doom metal band 1914 took the metal community by storm when they released their second album, the masterpiece “The Blind Leading the Blind”, in 2018. Their third album, “Where Fear and Weapons Meet” came in 2021, and took the band even further. As their name suggests, 1914, is exclusively themed around World War I. 1914 has never played before in any of the Nordic countries and we are excited to bring the band to Norway for the very first time!
Cannibal Corpse, Dark Funeral, Uada, Odium, Sakis Tolis, Harakiri for the Sky, Djevel, Nekromantheon, Mork, Darvaza, Nervosa, 1914, Svalbard, Vredehammer, Lili Refrain, Dwaal, Afsky, Mutilated Tyrant

For tickets go to: tickets.infernofestival.net.