sadeyes Shares Genre-Bending New EP ‘patient death’

Shares Genre-Bending New EP
patient death

Watch New Music Video For Song “on one

Seamlessly combining elements of alternative, hyperpop and glitchcore, 23-year-old Portland native sadeyes shares his new EP ‘patient death’ out now via Epitaph Records. He also releases the official music video for song “on one,” watch below!

‘patient death’ EP:  LISTEN

“on one” Music Video: WATCH

Utilizing maximalist production with distorted synths and reverberating bass for a palpable energy felt throughout ‘patient death’, the six song EP is laced with earworm hooks and crunchy textures layered over delicate sprinkles of guitar and keys, grounded by intermittent moments of clean vocals that bring you back down to earth. Reflecting his journey through his art while also acknowledging the long, sometimes messy road ahead, sadeyes says, “Progress isn’t linear. This EP is a reflection of me taking a new path to progression.”

After finding solace behind an infamous lofi “emo-rapper” persona as a teenager, when his interests and talents started to transcend the genre he was too afraid to break the mold. Acting almost as a crutch mirroring his own life, he had unintentionally put himself in a box by resisting growth artistically, as well as personally. His last project — alternative rap and trap heavy ‘molotov’ EP — found sadeyes switching up his flow while stretching his pen game for presumptuous rhymes. Now with ‘patient death’ on the horizon, he’s found a new way to vent.

Getting his start at 17 years old, sadeyes (Nathan Lewis) shot to popularity on SoundCloud, cutting his teeth releasing self-produced moody lofi hits. After signing to Epitaph, he dropped a debut full-length album, multiple EP’s and a prolific number of singles that his voracious fanbase eats up with every release. Now at over 5 Million monthly listens and a discography streaming close to 180 Million, this new project represents yet another side of the multi-dimensional creative.

patient death’ Tracklisting

1.     identify theft

2.     paperweight

3.     toothfairy

4.     bondbreaker

5.     on one

6.     this is suicide

sadeyes by Kevin Rain

For more information on sadeyes, visit: